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Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.


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CNN is reporting that Lance Armstrong may be stripped of his 6th Tour de France title.


In a random check for banned substances, 3 were found in Armstrong's hotel room.


The 3 substances banned by the French, that were found in his hotel room were as follows:


(1) Toothpaste

(2) Deodorant

(3) Soap


The French officials also found several other items which they had never seen before including a testicle and a backbone... :D

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Originally posted by Bobby Lee:

haha... the French suck...

Agreed, and you know why they suck...quick research shows that they are the people who INVENTED neon lights.


The French engineer, chemist, and inventor Georges Claude (b. Sept. 24, 1870, d. May 23, 1960), was the first to apply an electrical discharge to a sealed tube of neon gas (circa 1902) to create a lamp.


Damnit Bobby you are right, those frenchies are real douchebags.

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the French also invented all of these things:


Ambroise Paré (1510-1590): surgical instruments

Blaise Pascal: mechanical calculator (1642)

Metric system, proposed by Gabriel Mouton in 1670, worked out by the French Academy of Sciences in 1790

Nicolas Joseph Cugnot: steam-driven car (1769)

George Louis Lesage used a single wire system to telegraph a message (1774)

Joseph M.Jacquard - first industrially applicable automatic loom (late 18th century)

Montgolfier (Joseph and Etienne): the hot-air balloon (1783)

Louis Lenormand: the parachute (1783)

Jean Baptiste Meusnier: lighter-than-air dirigible developed (1785)

Claude Chappe: optical system telegraph (1791)

Nicolas Appert - invented our canning process involving bactericide by boiling (1810)

René T.H. Laennec - invented the stethoscope (1816)

Joseph L. Gay-Lussac (1778-1850), chemist: the hydrometer and alcoholometer

Jean-François Champollion - first deciphered the Rosetta Stone(1822)

Louis Braille: printed language for the blind (1829)

Joseph N.Niepce: the principle of the photographic process (1826)

Xavier Progin (1833): a machine that used separate type bars for each letter or symbol that were activated by separate lever keys (forerunner of typewriter)

Daguerre, Louis J. improved and patented photographic process (1839)

French physicist Jean Foucault: the gyroscope (1852)

Henri Deville: invented electrolysis to refine aluminum from bauxite (1852)

Henri Giffard, engineer: first successful steam-powered steerable airship (1852)

Edouard-Léon Scott de Martinville: Phonautographe:1st machine to record sound (1857), with no playback

Raymond Gaston Planté: the lead-acid battery (1860)

Rouquayrol and Denayrouse: hard-hat deep-sea diving (1865)

Pierre Lallement: rotary-pedal bicycle (1865)

Frères Michaux: steam-driven bicycle (1868)

Chemist Mège Mouriés: margarine (1869)

Charles Cros (& Edison) simultaneously invented the phonograph (1877)

Lumière brothers: first movie camera (1895)

René Panhard & Emile Levassor: prototype for modern car (front engine, pedal clutch, 4 wheels, etc. - 1895)

Jean J.E. Lenoir (1822-1900): the first practical internal combustion engine

French engineer and chemist Georges Claude: the neon lamp (1902)

Paul Cornu (1907): short flight of first helicopter prototype

Edouard Benedictus: the process for making laminated safety glass (1909)

Henri-M. Coanda: turbine engine airplane (1910)

George de Mestral: the hook and loop fabric fastener system, Velcro (1941)

Emile Gagnan and Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau: "Aqua Lung" for scuba diving (1943)

Arthur Granjean: Etch-A-Sketch [toy] in 1958

François Gernelle: the first non-kit computer based on a microprocessor (1973)

Philippe Kahn: the software or operating system for the above microcomputer

Roland Moreno: the concept of installing silicon chip computer memory on a plastic card (1974)

French launch Minitel (1980), first major public interactive computer network

Robert Cailliau and Jean-François Groff, Swiss francophone co-inventors of the WWW with Tim Berners-Lee (1992)

ATM asynchronous transfer mode - high-speed internet (not sure of details)


Many of which EVERYONE uses EVERYDAY. So I guess you're right. Even though they've invented many OTHER things used in every day life, just the simple fact that they invented neons makes them douchebags. :rolleyes: Really I'm not argueing, they still suck.

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