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guys who hit should die!


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Try this on for size. About 2 months ago my wifes friend got stabbed 6 times by her boyfriend. She had him arrested for DV about a week before that. She bails him out of jail 2 days later. So she goes to the store and her boyfriend meets her in the driveway when she gets home. He hands her a note telling her how he is gonna kill her their 2 kids 2 and 8 and then himself. As soon as she gets done reading the letter he drags her out of the car by her hair and starts going to town on her. He stabs her like twice once in the neck so hard the tip of the knife breaks off, wich could not be removed. She gets away and runs to a neighbors house where he gets her on the porch and stabs her 4 more times. Meanwhile their kids are watching the whole thing. The police show up as he is stabbibg her on the neighbors porch and he runs but did not get far. Needless to say he is gonna be away for a long time. She survived but he almost killed her. One stab wound on her neck started under her chin and went all the way behind her ear. The other one went through her neck in to her mouth and the others were in her back and leg and arm. This will be his 3rd time doing serious time so hopefully he will never see the light of day. The worst thing is the kids witnessed the whole thing. Poor Kids.
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Originally posted by Crooked Edge Lovecore:

Guys who beat women and/or commit sex crimes get treated like shit in prison. The only people who get less respect are child molesters.

Completely true.


Originally posted by Crooked Edge Lovecore:

She bailed that wack job out?


I have no sympathy for people who can clearly avoid abusive relationships but subject themselves to them time and time again.

Agreed. This brings to mind the "battered woman syndrome," which is used to characterize those women who continue to find themselves in abusive relationships and/or continue to stay with an abusive partner. Notably, the "battered woman syndrome" is not recognized as a formal disorder, mostly because of its controversial nature: it implies that the victim (i.e., the women being abused) is, at least in part, at fault.
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he got out on saturday. she is soo not going back. i'm giving her the car i bought for winter. (88 maxima, dependable car) she said that he has gotten in her face before, but never hit her until the other day. he claims he did nothing to her and lots of b/s and drama behind that. i'll spare you guys details. anyway i went and bought clothes and food for her and her son. the son of a bitch will not give her anything from the house, clothing included. bastard. anyway there are sides now and the people who are siding with the S.O.B are using him. so they want to stay in his good graces for petty stupied things. I see more important things in life than a big screen and partying like a slut.(friends who are siding with the bastard) i should write a book based on her life, i would make millions. right now she is tring to figure out what she is going to do about the pregnant thing. she wants to have an abortion, apparently this was the product for a rape by him. I just found that out. i wish i could help her with that i just don't have that kinda money at the moment. anyway i feel she should do it. why curse anonther life.
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OK,,,what about the women who swing?? I had a girl how would come at me swing like a crazy biotch whenever she thought I was in the wrong. I was stupid for staying around aslong as I did but she was my first and I though I was in love. I kept telling people about what she would do but no one ever believed me. Until I broke up with her and she showed up at my house so I go out on the porch to talk and she started swinging on me and my Mother caught a glimps of it and it was all I could do to hold my mom back when she went after her,,,moms only 4'11 and 120lbs but she's hell when she's mad.


This girl was in sports and was stronge for a chic. If I had not been a fighter since I was young who knows she could of possible hurt me. So ANYONE whos puts thier hands on their partner should get what a man gets when he does it.


And I'll add I never put my hands on her,,,I hip tossed her once and held her down when she came at me with a steak knife. But thats was just in self-defense and I only held her down long enough to get the knife from her and I got the hell out of there,,,,,then I broke up with her.

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