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Worst Show on TV??

Guest Jonnygts

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Guest Jonnygts
Originally posted by EvilEvo:

The worst show on TV is American Idol. That show is so fucking gay. If any of you guys watch that shoot yerselves right now or move to San Fran fucking homos. Basically anything Reality TV oriented is fucking stupid. If any of the Reality TV shows that should be on and are the best shows on TV is COPS and Scariest Police Chases-Caught on Tape. Survivor, Temptation Island, The Bacehlor and all those fucking sorry ass, stupid, goddamn idiotic shows need to get the fuck off the air ! ! Waste of money and time and I am sick and tired of seeing the stupid-ass commercials. Who really gives a fuck about some fat black singer from the hood with nothing that finally made it into the lime-light because millions of sheep watch this damn show. Fucking Americans ! ! Read a book.

I only watch the auditions. After that its so boring cause there is no one to laugh at.
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The worst is that show on Speed Channel, I think it's called Tuner Transformation. That show is so beyond gay that it's not funny. The cars they have on there suck completely. The 3 queers on there would be lucky enough if they could find their way out of a wet paper bag but I don't even think they could do that much.
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Interesting you should say queer, since my wife tried to get me to watch queer eye for the straight guy once, but then turned it off cause she thought it was "gay". That has got to be one of the worst shows ever, at least pimp my ride has something to do with cars.
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Originally posted by Neo:

Anything NASCAR or IRL.


Agreed on reality shows.


Add WE and any other woman based channel to the list with Lifetime.


Half of the crap on Cartoon Network. That is by far my favorite channel to watch on TV but at least half of the shows need to be canceled and decent shows put in their place. They need to add more old school Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry and Looney Toons back into their lineup.

Damn son, You said something I agree with. graemlins/thumb.gif
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