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Beer Review: Bell's Batch 6000

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

this beer is a special beer because it marks the 6000th batch made by bell's. since this beer is made for a special occasion, it is no ordinary beer. this beer that bell's has made is none other than a barley wine.


on to the fun stuff.


bottle: the bottle is the typical bell's bottle with nothing real fancy going on. just the bells logo and the name of the brew appear on the front. on the back is some writing that says, " batch 6000 is part of our commemorative series celebrating our progress with special brews. our 6000th batch is a special recipe to be brewed only once. it is a barley wine style, rich and strong, with a compelling finish. well-suited for your cellar.". hrm, a beer cellar... not a bad idea...


pour: the beer pours out a dark cashew color with a brownish tan head that is very thin. even though the head is thing, it does linger around for quite some time. little if any carbonation is present and holding the beer up to the light does indeed show that there are floaters in the brew. the floaters usually are there for strong beers, so im willing to bet that this will be A. high in alcohol and B. good.


taste: there is no ABV % on the bottle, but if i had to guess offhand i would say that it is probably up around 9-12%. i say this because you can feel the alcohol warming you up from the inside, much like a nice glass of port does. other than that the beer is amazing. the taste is mainly of malt with just a hint of bittering hops that lingers in the back of your mouth for the longest time. flavors i can taste include brown sugar, raisins and grape fruit. however, it is not limited to that as the complexity of the beer is mind blowing to say the least. the beer is also rather chewy at times and other times it is just a real mouthful.


overall: this would be an amazing beer for a romantic evening, or even just to lounge around with. i would recommend this beer for people who enjoy wine and above average beer. anyone else would probably not understand the beer and just get drunk off of it, or not like it. a beer like this needs to be enjoyed.



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Guest Ranger_Man
i picked this up at a specialty shop off of polaris parkway. however, any specialty beer shop should have it. i have also seen it at the andersons.
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