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its 2:30 am, LOOK NORTH!

Science Abuse

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Anyone who's awake now NEEDS to get outside and find themselves a clear veiw of the northern horizon. This is the most spectacular Aurora I've ever seen south of the 45th parallel. Its well worth the drive to get away from the ambient light that surrounds you city folk. Best action happens closest to the horizon. At times, there is so much movement, it looks like the northern horizion is burning like a propane stove.


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It was awesome Sunday night, huge display, bright greens and pinks. Looked alot like that pic. Lots of activity too, looked like fast waves of light in the sky, and searchlights. Monday night nothing. Tuesday night, dim but you could see it.


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You can go to www.spaceweather.com to see information on the probability of them happening each day. Also other cool information on sun spots and asteroids. If you want a nice place to view the sky from in central ohio I usually go up to alum creek lake. I set my telescope up at the boat dock parking lot just north of Cheshire Rd on the east side of the lake. I haven't been there in awhile though. It gets boring by yourself and my wife doesn't like astronomy at all.


I just checked the site and it looks like we will be getting more in the next day or so.



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