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Apology to IPS


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Just wanted to clear some things up. Things got out of hand in that thread pretty quickly. I did my best to straighten things out early when I saw the direction the thread was headed. I met with Jeff in person to discuss the things about which we had been talking. Since I have no personal experience with IPS (i.e., they have not done work on my car, nor have I purchased parts from them), then I shouldn't have insulted them or their work. That said, Jeff and I agreed that the best way to settle this is a mutual apology, mine for insulting IPS, and his for his personal insults to me. Hopefully we can work past it. The situation escalated far past where it should have.

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Commendable on being a man and admitting your faults, and over-all "douche-bag-ness"


You've earned more respect admitting fault and apologizing, than just admitting fault.


IPS treated me right on many occasions, but we have a business relationship that extends farther than just personally.

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I didn't mean to come off like a douche. On the internet it's easy to take things out of context. People who know me personally know it's not typical of my personality. I am usually very diplomatic. I am usually joking with people on the board, (like with Sam, who I have no personal issue with), but in this case it was getting serious. Not my intent.
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Guest SweeeetSilvia

Eli- did you ever think of pulling me aside when playing poker, or PMing me before you went and made yourself look like a moron? Honestly, I read two pages of that thread and it was completely retarded. But- I guess all is good. Everything with IPS was taken care of in the best way it could have been- and there are no hard feelings toward anyone there- it was a semi mix up- that is all.



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Dan, I think I took care of that one already when I admitted what I heard was second hand. This is a thread in which I apologize to those I believe I wronged; if you would like to start a new thread, or PM me, or post in the old thread, that's cool. The point of this thread is to make amends, not have more words.
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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Mensan:



*Is reminded of calling Dr. John for the first time* :D

no wonder why.. dr....
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Thanks for the apology and i too apologize for my colorful "adjectives" in my replies. Ill keep my responses a little more professional on here and save all the good stuff for PMs tongue.gif


Otherwise, i just hope that everyone else reading that drivel is wise enough to tell the difference between what was an assumption (or 14th-hand information at best) and what was fact. If anyone isnt clear feel free to ask away or PM me and ill gladly clarify.


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Originally posted by Nick GT:

IPS treated me right on many occasions, but we have a business relationship that extends farther than just personally.

You needed IPS's help changing tires? graemlins/wtf.giftongue.gif


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I'd also like to say that regardless of the circumstances, it was good to meet everyone who was out there tonight that introduced themselves. Especially Tank, I have heard NOTHING but good things about his work, and didn't know he was working out there.
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