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Beer Review: Sam Adams Winter Brew

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

I am not particularly fond of the normal Sam Adams range of beers. However, their seasonal beers are usually of very high quality. I picked this up at Central Market, but I have also seen this available at both HEB and Randall’s. I can only hope that this beer is better than the Winterhook I had two reviews back.


Bottle: Both labels are drabbed in dark blue, light blue, and white. This makes for a very snowy appearance, which might confuse you Texans. The top label, in traditional Sam Adams fashion has a slew of information, and it says the following:


“For centuries, brewers have crafted special beers to celebrate winter. In this tradition, we brew our Samuel Adams to share with friends. This rich and hearty dark brew is one of the finer pleasures of a winter evening. Cheers!”


Ok, it might not be a slew of information, but damn it sure makes you feel good. The bottom label is the typical Sam Adams main label but it says, “Winter Brew”. One thing of note is that on the inside of the cap it says, “International Award Winner. Chicago Gold 2003.”


Pour: The beer pours out with the color of pancake syrup; Just light enough that you can barely see through, but also dark enough that you can not make anything out behind it. The beer mainly smells of spices, however, there is a slight hint of malt present in the nose. The first born head is of decent size and it fizzles down to a fine coating at a reasonable pace.


Taste: First impressions show me that it is indeed better than that awful Winterhook I had. This is how I picture a winter beer and is exactly what I was craving two weeks ago. The beer is well balanced with a malty sweetness up front and a strong spice kick at the end. These two tastes are bridged together by the carbonation in the beer. The spice taste is interesting because it actually tastes like spices used in many Christmas dishes. The two spices I can pick out are cinnamon and ginger and it is very well done.


Overall: I would recommend this beer on the basis that it is a tasty, well done seasonal beer. Hopefully soon Central Market will start stocking the Christmas ales done by the European breweries. If or when they do, expect some more good reviews.



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because this is what the review would consist of:


This "liquid" is crap. If you want to blow your 2 dollars or whatever on something, play the lottery, at least your money will be going to someone else who knows what the hell they're doing with it.

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Beer guy, We salute you.

It is you, Beer Guy who takes that extra step.

Only you, would take the time to do what others will not.

As for the rest of us, we have decidedly choosen to devour our favorite frosty beverages.

The time and effort on your part, to sip and sample,

note and remark, is ever so appriciated. Keep sipping away, hold that pinky high, and take your time Beer guy.

We salute you Sir, Mr. Beer Guy.



Love 'em and keep 'em comin'.

Weilands has a great sammy adams choclate bock...but it is $14 for about 1.2 litres or so.

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Originally posted by Innocuous:

A side note - anyone else get into Negra Modelo? Chipoltle has me hooked on that stuff. Very good.

Quite a good beer, much better than Dos or even Pacifico. But you have to go to Mexico for the real, import beers just don't taste right.
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