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"Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers"

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by recklessOP:

i'd say cutting off someone's ear and mailing it is a little over the top. effective? yes. the right thing to do? probably not... tongue.gif


that said, i'm not advocating that we sit on our hands and do nothing but talk. i wouldn't have a problem with police/special forces storming in and killing the bad guys to save a hostage. in that situation, a show of force is justified.


i agree, we need to show some resolve and stand up to these people. even a show of force when the situation calls for it. it's just some of the methods i disagree with.


my point is, we need to conduct ourselves in a professional and civilized manner when dealing with these situations.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Hmm... I think more or less we are on the same page, though you seem to advocate maintaining the moral highground at the cost of efficiency and practicality; whereas I would not be opposed to sacrifice some of this highground when opposing an enemy who has no respect or appreciation for such a stance. Though, without question, these matters are inherently fraught with a tediousness which makes it impossible to create a blanketed response. Thus, a reasonable response must be fabricated according to the circumstances of each new event; we cannot, for example, say that we must always do the 'right thing', or the 'appropriate thing', as one might not be applicable to that situation. I would tend to lean more towards a show of force, than that of leniency and impotent tolerance.


At any rate, I don't think we should feel bad for the prisoners and captive terrorists. They did not enlist among the ranks of their fellow compatriots without some sort of awareness that punishment, of some order, might be inevitable.

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