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hand polished


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After spending all evening polishing one alternator, bring it from as cast to a dull luster I have a new respect for hand polished parts. Sure they ain't as bright as chrome, but the level of work that goes into taking a part that's cast, sanding and grinding all the flashing off, and bringing the surface smooth with say an 80 grit. Then cutting all the sanding marks out with a 240 then a 320. Then taking it to the buffer, going over all of it with rubbing compound cake stick, then jewelers rouge. Hours, and hours of work and mine was just a simple alternator case. But even if it ain't as flashy as chrome, it looks alot better to me.
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Originally posted by 2 Zum:

i know what you mean, a good polisher makes it look better if your using. what polish did you end up using? how long did it take you to polish your case?

I haven't done the final polish yet, I am up to jewelers red rouge at this point. I am going to try to just use Mothers polish but I don't know how that will work out. As far as time, I have about 4 hours in it at this point not counting taking the alternator apart and reassembly.
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Originally posted by desperado:

I haven't done the final polish yet, I am up to jewelers red rouge at this point. I am going to try to just use Mothers polish but I don't know how that will work out. As far as time, I have about 4 hours in it at this point not counting taking the alternator apart and reassembly.

4 hours only??? damn man took me 23 hours for my valve cover and it looks like crap! i used Mothers incredible billet metal polish. seems to be very good i picked it up from advanced auto parts for $13
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I had 3 months worth of weekend and evening work polishing about everything under my hood including the alternator, pullies, piping, upper and lower intake manifolds, turbo housings, brackets, and front housing (18 pieces in all). My wife loved the mess I made in the basement and garage.


Final polish work was done on a 12HP mandrel with 18 inch buffing wheels. I tore ligaments in my right elbow from holding on for dear life.I did let one pipe go accidentally. After bouncing off of the ceiling, I picked it up on the other side of the workshop about 25 feet away.


I will never ever do a polishing job of that magnatude again.

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