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WTF are churches for?


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Guest rperry74
Originally posted by Aggressor:



That motherfucker has a heated driveway. Rod Parsley runs a cult, not a religious church denomination.

You know why he has a heated driveway, because he can afford one. Of all the people in this country, he is the exception. No one else has bothered to be in the forefront concerning issues that plague us daily, yet he cares enough to be involved outside of the church. We are talking on a national level. He has regular contact with those in the Legislative branch of government, and they are seeking HIS advice. And you know who's advice he is passing on? I'll give you three guesses but you will only need one. And on top of that he would be the first one to tell you that "religion" is bad.

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. (Proverbs 13:22)

He is only reaping what he has sewn, he has been a good and faithful servant to the Lord and he is recieving his reward.

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. (Isaiah 3:10)

That is all!

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Originally posted by Purveyor of Parts:

You know why he has a heated driveway, because he can afford one. Of all the people in this country, he is the exception. No one else has bothered to be in the forefront concerning issues that plague us daily, yet he cares enough to be involved outside of the church. We are talking on a national level. He has regular contact with those in the Legislative branch of government, and they are seeking HIS advice. And you know who's advice he is passing on? I'll give you three guesses but you will only need one. And on top of that he would be the first one to tell you that "religion" is bad.

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. (Proverbs 13:22)

He is only reaping what he has sewn, he has been a good and faithful servant to the Lord and he is recieving his reward.

Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. (Isaiah 3:10)

That is all!



A church is not a money-making entity. If he is truly such a holy person, he would invest that money into the community, not into his driveway! Parks, daycare, food for the needy, not Ferrari's!


My parents were involved in a motorcycle wreck nearly 3 years ago. My mother nearly died. Since then she has become very religious, and she has become very active in her church. She even goes out to various hospitals and takes communion to those who cannot leave the hospital. During one of her visits, 2 representatives from World Harvest were in the same room speaking with other patient who was a member of World Harvest. Because this woman was in the hospital for MAJOR illness ( heart problems, cancer I can ask if you really want to know)and she was not able to afford donations to the church, the came to tell her that she would burn in hell because she was not making donations to the church. Now, I do not believe in organized religion, nor do I have the attention span to sit in church, but that made me physically ill.


Bottom Line: Rob Parsly is no better than a CEO of a large company that lays off 3,000 workers so he can buy a heated driveway and a Ferrari.

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Guest powers
Originally posted by Mrs. CentralOhioSubarus:

Religion is stupid

Not to insult you, but making blanket statements like that is not very bright either.


Over 90% of mankand holds some kind of spirtual beliefs. That is over 5 billion people. You will of hear dishonest men who want to take advantage of as many of those 5 billion as they can. Why not attack them with something they have faith in? Let's face it, there are dishonest people in ALL areas of life. Why would religion be any different? It won't be.


Religion allows many people to operate their lives with faith in something positve. Who they place that faith in, is up to them to decide. Some people feel they know where to put their trust. Others study and search for where their worship and faith will lay. Ultimately religion is a very powerfull thing, and to say all of it including orginized portions of it is just a rash statement.


Anyone who says orgianized religion is stupid ask yourself this? Do you celebrate/participate in a christmas celebration? If you do you are taking part in an organized religous holiday.


These types of topics are serious ones, and should be treated as such. Be cautious of making uninformed statements to someone which may influence them in a negitive way.


Look at the reputation of politics and lawyers. To say that all of them are stupid, well is just stupid.

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Guest rperry74
Well, I can tell you this from a personal standpoint. My family and I know quite a few people who are involved with World Harvest on an internal level, and no one is "burning in hell" because they havent made their donation, nor has anyone bothered to tell me that, since I do not send money every time I get something in the mail. But hey, I can't change what any of you think, you see, perception is reality for many of you and the blinders have been on too long. God forbid someone shoud remove them so you can see the truth. And I am not talking about the church here, but God and faith in general. So at least I know now the kind of people that are here on the board, and save for those who have stood up, the rest of you are in fact uninformed. Therefore, rather than have an affiliation with an organization that is led by someone who obviously has no faith, I will no longer be visiting this site, making posts, or anything. This move I believe is necessary for me. I respect all of you for having and voicing your opinions here and those of you who wish to keep in touch with me at all, know where I work. Thank you, that is all.
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We've got alot of opinions here, no surprise though "Religion" is a controversial subject to say the least. My 2 cents:


I was raised catholic, I haven't been a good one for years. To me it's like everything / "show me the money". I believe someone made this earth & when I die, whoever comes to see me will have to admit, I was a good person, raised my children & paid my taxes, & lived a good life - period.


I think regardless of faith, churches should merely erect a "Drive - thru" like McDonalds. Every Sunday you drive thru & pay your weekly monies ie $10, $20, $50 whatever. You could use envelopes already imprinted with your name, address etc. The church would have their money, you'd be saved, & we could lessen issues like this thread, perhaps even stall the world disrupted peace too? Hell religion has been a part of history & conflict forever. (Or at least one of mans excuses) - Sorry but thats my 2 cents-

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Originally posted by Purveyor of Parts:

I will no longer be visiting this site, making posts, or anything. This move I believe is necessary for me.

I respect this person's wishes. To make this commitment easier, I have disabled the person's account.
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