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Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

not really a topic to be taken seriously, but i just wanted to see who else gets stereotyped


i drive a rustbird (funny, not a spot of rust), had a mullet, listen to country and hard rock along with some icp, drink alot of beer, think nothing of throwing down for a good fight, wear flannel and jeans and carhartts with boots, am a gun enthusiest, and yet because of the icp i'm trying to be a thug?????? WTF?????


just my thoughts from sitting at work all day

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Guest racinbird
Just curios, You live off of Stygler? Have your cars in your drive way. Had/have a yellowish 80's model that you riped apart? If so I drive by your house everyday going to work
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Guest FBody Addict
Originally posted by Rane:

ICP is not for thugs its for fags. How can you listen to something so fawking pointless.

for amusement, it's comedy, the people who live by it are fucking morons


Originally posted by racinbird:

Just curios, You live off of Stygler? Have your cars in your drive way. Had/have a yellowish 80's model that you riped apart? If so I drive by your house everyday going to work

off stygler yes, lindenhaven in woodside green north of mccutcheon, yellowish, no, my T/A is black, and the parts car is purple


this thread was not really about me, i wanted to see how other people got stereotyped, and if you ask me what i think i am, i'd say i'm a fucking redneck and fucking proud of it, after all, a country boy can survive (yeah, i know, i'm from the suburbs)


so, let's turn this thread away from me and back to what i created it for

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Guest FBody Addict

the point of the thread was for someone to pick out one little thing that they had been stereotyped for, not for it to become about me, so someone else bring up that one little thing that they got pidgeonholed for


examples-- republicant(or whatever he is now) is from dublin, therefore a rich boy


anthony drives an f-body, so he is a hick


orion drives an import, so he doesn't love his country


so on and so forth (just examples, not accusations)


should have explained this was for a paper my brother is writing for school

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Guest FBody Addict

sorry, got to ask this in the wrong thread

two things i need clarified

what is JDM (japanese domestic manufacturing?)

and what is DSM (daimler's stupid mistake?)

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Guest FBody Addict

take my pick eh....


rich kid (cause only rich kids can afford to build a fast civic)

penny pincher (doesn't want to buy a v-8 cause of gas prices)

ricer (it's a civic)

f&f wannabe (ditto)


you know i'm just messing with you dude


Mr. 2 had the right idea though, any others?

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I'm not sure what category poeple on here have thrown me into. smile.gif


Live in Newark. Work in Columbus.

Drive domestics. Appreciate anything fast.

Program in a cube all day. Was a mechanic for 8 years.

Drink beer. Own guns. Watch porn.

Like country music. Like rock as well.

Never had a mullet. Do have gotee.

Owned F-bodies. Owned Stangs. Owned Accords.

Fast hick truck. Quick bike. Fuelhog pick-up on 20's. Nice daily s/c ride.

Watch NASCAR. Watch IRL. Watch Trucks.


Maybe a confused, programming, beer-drinking ex-grease monkey that people from Zanesville think is a yuppie and people from Columbus think is a hick.?!?

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