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Is Barrack Obama a Muslim??


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The more that comes out about this guy the scarier it gets that our country is even considering him as a candidate for the Presidency. He was raised a Muslim and attended a Madrassa (School) in Indonesia that preaches the worst kind of Islam, you know the kind that declares you must die if not Muslim. Now he is claiming to be a Christian after being confronted with his past, but he is said to be a non frequent attender at the church he is a member of. My biggest question is: Why hasnt there been a death sentence cast upon him for denouncing Islam and claiming to be a Christian like anyone else who insults or denounces Islam?

This country better get its head out of its ass and start doing what's right instead of trying to be politically correct and worrying about who's feelings might get hurt.

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:woo: ...and YOU my friend have answered me! :banana:

But how credible is Snopes anyways? Is it just a cover up? We'll never know. :tongue:

:lol: You crack me up man.

They are pretty reliable. If you doubt their claim you can usually check the references they list at the bottom of each Snope.

Here's another for you if that's not enough. :D


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2008 will be the election to watch. Especially for those of you who don't pay attention to politics. It's the first time the two main opponents are both minorities. We have a black man and a woman as frontrunners so far. Considering John Kerry withdrew his candidacy, that pretty much leaves Giuliani and the two high profile potential candidates: Ralph Nader and Al Gore.

Considering most of the opposition, I'm leaning toward Obama or Clinton so far.

May be an historic year for the USA.

If you would like to give these folks a run for their money, click here[/url:f60ee] and RUN FOR PRESIDENT.

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2008 will be the election to watch. Especially for those of you who don't pay attention to politics. It's the first time the two main opponents are both minorities. We have a black man and a woman as frontrunners so far. Considering John Kerry withdrew his candidacy, that pretty much leaves Giuliani and the two high profile potential candidates: Ralph Nader and Al Gore.

Considering most of the opposition, I'm leaning toward Obama or Clinton so far.

May be an historic year for the USA.

If you would like to give these folks a run for their money, click here[/url:7f22f] and RUN FOR PRESIDENT.

Will definitely be interesting. Unfortunately having to major parties is what is part of what is hurting America. Every issue gets polarized and the politicians are like children and have to have it their way.

Right now I'm voting for Obama or myself. :)

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Someone's religion has no part in government today! That's one of the two major problems we still run into today. (That and major corruption) The candidates should be judged on how they have handled public office and what have they done to help the common citizen. There needs to be some serious checks in balances in the legislative and excutive branches. I'm a democrat, but I always desire a bipartisan Congress than a biased one. We need a consistent government that is for the people and not for the corporation which is how it is today.

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Someone's religion has no part in government today! That's one of the two major problems we still run into today. (That and major corruption) The candidates should be judged on how they have handled public office and what have they done to help the common citizen. There needs to be some serious checks in balances in the legislative and excutive branches. I'm a democrat, but I always desire a bipartisan Congress than a biased one. We need a consistent government that is for the people and not for the corporation which is how it is today.

I definitely agree with you on the no religion in politics. It has no place, but you said bi-partisan. Bi is two. Everyone assumes views can be broken down into just two distinct sets of views. Americans shouldn't look at things in that manner. People should be voting the candidates stance on issues not whether he/she is a dem or repub. The large political parties are practically organized religions these days... Oh and I want to be able to vote none of the above on my ballot and I want those numbers reported with the rest of the counts.

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Americans shouldn't look at things in that manner. People should be voting the candidates stance on issues not whether he/she is a dem or repub.

A guy I work with is total liberal and Democrat, anyways... He is voting Republican in '08 he said.

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When I made a reference about bipartisanship my intention was to reflect that America never has and never will have one voice. There always should be people of different backrounds in public office to represent the many different views of citizens today. Republican in '08? What??? The Dems only have a majority by one and they are now just showing the good old USA how checks in Balances work. Bush had warned months before the congressional investigations took place about the fired US attorneys that were illegally fired that hell will be brought down if the Dems decided to pursue. Well guess what, the Dems pursued and has uncovered through a bipartisan congressional hearing that the Bush administration fired these attorney's because they wouldn't prosecute Dems because there was no evidence too. Wtf is thit shit man. If Dems pulled the same shit then I would support the Republicans because that's just bs.

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