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grandfather goes nuts


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Well for three years my grandpa leased a saturn. On the 14th he took it back with just under 17,000 miles and no apparent scrathes, or dents. The day he took it back the car looked like it had barely been driven and very nice for a saturn.

Today my grandpa received a bill for just under $900, for dents/scratches/excess miles. (After three years total value of car was around $6,000) This pisses him off so he starts calling everyone he knows and eventually the dealer.

He then goes off and starts using foul language like crazy saying their lying and over exaggerating stuff. But he says he'll agree to pay all but the excess miles fine, if they just let him look over the car and explain visibly these dents and scrathes. Thats when they told him the car was sold sometime last week. So my 85 year old grandfather probably risked a heart attack after his screaming which he did immediatly.

Anyone else ever deal with such a problem, or know of one from someone leasing? I feel bad, right now he's already called his lawyer and says he'll go to jail before paying.

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