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WorkoutFags: Ephedrine4u


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back when I was a full fleged workoutfag rather than a carfag I used creatine and andro nor-19... along with some amino acids and protien shizza.


The creatine made me gain a bunch of water weight around my mid-section. Basicly what it does is allow you to cram more water into the muscle cell forcing it to grow at a more rapid rate than you would otherwise be able to do. I was rarely sore and gained massive amounts of muscle weight (To the point that I still bear the stretch marks) but I gained a lil ring o' tub so I stopped. If you can deal with an artifical beer gut kinda of thing, Id recomend it.

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Creatine pulls water out of the muscle cell, the new Creatine, called CE2 puts it into the cell. Giving it a more ripped look. I had lost about 30 lbs when i was training for the fire academy, since training, ive gained 20 of it back just b/c ive gotten really lazy.


oh, and Ephedra in moderate doses isnt bad for you. 10 MG of it might be fine for one, but 5 might be enough to harm someone else. people that have had heart attacks while taking Ephedrine had heart problems to begin with. IE: 350+ NFL linemen that were in horrible shape to begin w/.

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Here's why:


The Chinese herb ma huang is a member of a primitive family of plants that look like thin, branching, connected straws. A related species, Ephedra nevadensis, grows wild in the American Southwest and is widely called "Mormon tea." However, only the Asian species of ephedra contains the active compounds ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.


Ma huang was traditionally used by Chinese herbalists during the early stages of respiratory infections and also for the short-term treatment of certain kinds of asthma, eczema, hay fever, narcolepsy, and edema.


Japanese chemists isolated ephedrine from ma huang at the turn of the century, and it soon became a primary treatment for asthma in the United States and abroad. Ephedra's other major ingredient, pseudoephedrine, became the decongestant Sudafed.

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"Admit that you are under-eating!"


"I don't feel sorry for those who lack the discipline to eat more"


"I don't believe you if you tell me you can't eat more than you're eating now"


"You must not excuse yourself from eating what you are supposed to when you are supposed to"


"Carry mayo with you and add lots of it to everything"


"Dip potato chips in honey"


"Always have a jar of peanuts in your car"


"It takes less than 50 seconds to eat two candy bars"


"Never drink any fluids that don't have calories"


"Above all, you must accept the inarguable fact that you must put more food into your mouth"


"Remember - If you want to beat the man, you've gotta out-eat the man!"

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