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WTF is this?


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Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

one of my friends (luckily she is really hot) said yesterday "I hope the hurricane doesnt hit us in ohio" !! We all lost it and she was dead serious but like i said before she is really hott so its ok.

introduce me to her?
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Originally posted by 98.9% stock:



This is one hosed-up-ass hurricane. Someone's having fun with the controls of this one.


Hurricanes > Florida in '04

Cop to the Hurricane "Are you trying to evade me?"

Hurricane "No"......................

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Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

one of my friends (luckily she is really hot) said yesterday "I hope the hurricane doesnt hit us in ohio" !! We all lost it and she was dead serious but like i said before she is really hott so its ok.

Its also OK because hurricanes have hit ohio. Though technicaly not classified as a hurricane, they have come ashore and ripped southern-eastern ohio a new asshole a few times. It just takes a powerful enough storm moving fast enough, and it'll give us 50+mph gusts, tornados, and heavy rains here. Those that have made it this far usualy die right on top of us, so we dont feel it for very long, but it can happen.

I hope it does hit ohio, I like storms.

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Originally posted by blinkkilla182:

one of my friends (luckily she is really hot) said yesterday "I hope the hurricane doesnt hit us in ohio" !! We all lost it and she was dead serious but like i said before she is really hott so its ok.

being hot is no excuse to be a retard/ thats like the biggest turnoff ever your cute but you have IQ of a rock. if that works for you great, not for me
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That would totally suck to live in Florida...to have to pack up and move from your house more than 3 times in one year...., A guy at work has a sister-in-law that lives in florida and she still doesn't have power from francis....they are having major issues with getting all the power back up and now they're getting hit with another, that blows....Thank God we live in central Ohio...where hardly anything ever happens....*knocks on wood*
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Originally posted by Gas, Grass, or Ass:

being hot is no excuse to be a retard/ thats like the biggest turnoff ever your cute but you have IQ of a rock. if that works for you great, not for me

i know man but well you will just have to see her haha, and eric proved that i must have been wrong.
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