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Scanner legality


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Are there any laws against carrying a portable scanner in Ohio? I remember reading somewhere that home, non-mobile scanners were legal, but there were restrictions on hand-held ones.


A quick Google search yielded nothing informative. Any ideas? Deputy Lightning, any input?



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Guest nevarmore
Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Are there any laws against carrying a portable scanner in Ohio? I remember reading somewhere that home, non-mobile scanners were legal, but there were restrictions on hand-held ones.


A quick Google search yielded nothing informative. Any ideas? Deputy Lightning, any input?

Not really. When you broadcast something on the airwaves its your responsibility to encrypt/scramble it. If someone wants to listen in they can.


The only thing that I'm aware of with scanners is that its illegal to modify them to recieve cordless phone or cellular phone transmissions. Older scanners (Bearcat 900 IIRC) dont have those stations blocked and are grandfathered in. If you find one of those for cheap, put it on eBay, they are going for a lot of money if they dont have the block.

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Using a portable scanner is fine. Using a portable scanner in the act of committing a crime...that's a different story. By the way, if anyone needs the hookup on frequencies, TGID's, or other programming stuff for scanners, let me know.
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you can have a scanner on you and scan police bands that ok, or listening at you residence. having one in your car and scanning police bands is against the law. also if your not a fireman or emt type you can not have scan those bands either. but fireman and emt's can each others bands and the police bands for info on incidents that the might be need for.


also scanning cell phone, and cordless phone bands is against the law if caught to.


in most states the department that stops you with a scanner scanning police, fire or ambulance band get to take and keep the scanner.


goes back to the call jumping and call watching incidents of the 70's and 80's. poeple or new crews and rival ambulance companys listening and responding to the scene cause problems or stealing items and so on.


right off hand i don't know the ORC section number for this law. but a buddy told me it might be in the section under possesing criminal tools.


i will keep checking for you

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