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Guest weismc

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Guest weismc

What up yall', I just joined and thought i would say howdy. I used to hang around this board a couple of years ago, but then school got busy and forgot about it. So now that i have time again, i decided it time to come back.


Though my 2 year absence, i have concluded that this is the only automotive board on then I-net that has people that actully know what the hell they are talking about. (And is not filled with a bunch of yellow paint, park Bench winged, stckercharged, rice rocketes).


Im currently driving an SR powered 240sx. Did the swap myself last winter, and have done a few upgrades here and there. Perhaps one day i will get the funds to go all out. But for now i am having fun putzing around on 7psi.


Im looking forward to learning a bunch from this forum, and hope that i can provide any expertease that i can.


Thanks Chad

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Though my 2 year absence, i have concluded that this is the only automotive board on then I-net that has people that actully know what the hell they are talking about.
which goes to show that even through a two year absence, you have learned absolutely nothing. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Ricochet:

Better to have another Nissan on the board than another Mustang :D


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Hopefully you aren't the same guy w/ the 240SX that was doing donuts only a few feet from Chris's GTP in the Blacklick parking lot when COFBA was taking some pics after a meeting. That guy was a member here, and left soon afterwords. That was quite a while ago too.
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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

Hopefully you aren't the same guy w/ the 240SX that was doing donuts only a few feet from Chris's GTP in the Blacklick parking lot when COFBA was taking some pics after a meeting. That guy was a member here, and left soon afterwords. That was quite a while ago too.

You know it would really stink to stay away 2 years and figure that everyone has forgotten and the coast is clear only to get accused 7 posts down in your first thread. That would definetly have to be a bummer.
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