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Movie Review: Napoleon Dynamite

T Rex

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Maybe it's just me, maybe I went into this movie with the wrong attitude, but I thought it was one of the single dumbest movies ever. Not just the single dumbest movie I’ve ever seen, but the single dumbest movie in the history of the World. I could have been high as a kite before I went and watched this movie and it wouldn't have made it funny.


It was only a little funny in a few spots, other spots I laughed out of the pain of how stupid it was. It had absolutely no plot, none whatsoever. I've watched porn’s with better plots than this movie.


I even invited another couple to come watch it with us spur of the moment but they didn't end up coming. I later apologized for even inviting them, it was that bad.

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Originally posted by Neo:


It was only a little funny in a few spots, other spots I laughed out of the pain of how stupid it was. It had absolutely no plot, none whatsoever. I've watched porn’s with better plots than this movie.

"Are you ready to groooove?"



lol, and the dance at the end, the only funny parts

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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

wow, what a great review....

I have a bad tendancy to talk about movies to much. I didn't want to ruin things for anybody.


I guess you just have to have a stupid sense of humor (or maybe just be plain dumb), like I do (am) to really appreciate this movie. Between his Uncle filming himself tossing the football, the snow boots in summer, and his cage wrestling brother, it was one of the most humerous movies I've seen in a long time.

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