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HELP: Trying to find video card upgrade for g/f's Dell Inspirion 4000 Laptop


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Her laptop is a Dell Inspirion 4000, 128MB RAM, 800MHz Celeron, 8MB ATI Mobility video card, 18.6GB Hard Drive. XP Pro SP2.


The problem: besides running slowly, she desperately wants to run The Sims 2 she purchased. This system just can't cut the mustard.


Obviously, running 128MB ram on an XP machine with that kind of game isn't going to cut it. Her PC can hold a max of 2 256MB simms; I'll probably just add a 256MB simm to the empty slot.


The video card is my biggest concern. The games "requirement" is 32MB video memory.....she has a whopping 8. Obviously, a far better video card would make a world of difference. But I can't find one. Is there one available for this laptop....and if so, please point me to it. smile.gif


CPU wise, she can probably get away with what she has, but if you have any links to something better that will work with her mother board at a reasonable price, please share.


The game runs fine on my home system; 1.1GHZ Athlon, 512MB Ram, 64MB video memory on a GeForce 4MX. So she could definately get away with less of a setup than mine, but needs more than what she has.

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I haven't taken it apart, but I believe it isn't an intigrated unit. This is the pic I found of it:




My problem is I haven't found any better upgrades. I freaking hate laptops; they are a PITA/expensive to upgrade.

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yeah she's pretty much fucked on playing the sims2 with her current setup. Best bet is to just bite the bullet and pick up a new machine, possibly sell the laptop if you can get by without needing one, you could get her setup in a pretty decent machine for a few hundred bucks, and not worry about being so limited.



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THe sims 2 is a VERY demanding game.

The minimun requirements are optimistic at best.


I play it on a 1.5xx GHZ w/ 128MB Ti4200 O/C

But I had to tone it down somewhat and turn off some effects to make it "smooth" at that.


Even @ 512mb of ram it will page the shit outt your drive at times.



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..800mhz processor (celeron at that!), 8mb graphics, 18gb hard drive... it's time for her to upgrade man. I wouldn't dump anymore money into it. If she really wants to play sims2, she is going to have to replace the laptop. Beerguy is looking for a laptop. Maybe the 3 of you can work something out.
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I talked to her more about it.....basically, I'm just going to find her a cheap used 256mb simm so the PC runs better for her other applications, and she will just have to give up on the idea of running that game. She is a poor college student that can't afford to be dumping money into another PC. She can just play it on my PC.
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