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Marine in Fallujah. This is really pissing me off!!

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My two cents: our country fucking sucks. Don't get me wrong, I support our troops and our president. But media coverage and liberal pussies have brought our country to an all time low. Sensitivity classes, AA, seperation of church and state, gun control, abortion, gay marriages, etc... WTF? No wonder the rest of the world hates us. Wouldn't you? Our country has become a society of touchy feely bitches who only care about the material possessions and trends. You can't go ten minutes without seeing or hearing an advertisement for something that will make you feel more beautiful, or younger, or make you smell more appealing to the opposite sex, or some fast food joint who's food is incredibly unhealthy. I just don't get it. How have we turned from a country of innovators and inventors, into a country of lazy slobs who want to make themselves feel better? Moderation. Everything is okay in moderation. But corporations have gone nuts, and now advertising and marketing have become just as bad as alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. Its an addiction. How many of you watch the super bowl and can't wait to see what this year's ads are like? Why? Have you gone to the mall and bought an $80 pair of jeans? Why? Did it make you feel better about yourself? I support our troops and our president. Don't get me wrong about that. But I cannot, and will not support a society who will go and spend $80 on a fucking pair of pants but not protect the rights of our soldiers or our own citizens.



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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by satan:

My two cents: our country fucking sucks. Don't get me wrong, I support our troops and our president. But media coverage and liberal pussies have brought our country to an all time low. Sensitivity classes, AA, seperation of church and state, gun control, abortion, gay marriages, etc... WTF? No wonder the rest of the world hates us. Wouldn't you? Our country has become a society of touchy feely bitches who only care about the material possessions and trends. You can't go ten minutes without seeing or hearing an advertisement for something that will make you feel more beautiful, or younger, or make you smell more appealing to the opposite sex, or some fast food joint who's food is incredibly unhealthy. I just don't get it. How have we turned from a country of innovators and inventors, into a country of lazy slobs who want to make themselves feel better? Moderation. Everything is okay in moderation. But corporations have gone nuts, and now advertising and marketing have become just as bad as alcoholism, drug abuse, etc. Its an addiction. How many of you watch the super bowl and can't wait to see what this year's ads are like? Why? Have you gone to the mall and bought an $80 pair of jeans? Why? Did it make you feel better about yourself? I support our troops and our president. Don't get me wrong about that. But I cannot, and will not support a society who will go and spend $80 on a fucking pair of pants but not protect the rights of our soldiers or our own citizens.



<font color ="midnightblue"> Settle down there. Just give this problem a little time. When our country becomes weak enough, the radical muslims and terrorists that the leftists now defend and support so vehemently will take over, and then I garauntee you that all your gay marriages, excessive advertising, and materialism-influenced society will be turned right around and we'll all be praising Allah. Just give it a few more years, mate. Just give it a few more years.
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Originally posted by The Silent God:

Settle down there. Just give this problem a little time. When our country becomes weak enough, the radical muslims and terrorists that the leftists now defend and support so vehemently will take over, and then I garauntee you that all your gay marriages, excessive advertising, and materialism-influenced society will be turned right around and we'll all be praising Allah. Just give it a few more years, mate. Just give it a few more years.

Eh? They'll never take over. No way.
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Muslims NO! Communists, well that's another story.


Now, something that I am seeing, that I thik some are missing. The military and the police are two DIFFERENT things, yet people expect for the military, in a time of war to behave like a County Sheriff. The idea of the military SHOOTING people seems wrong to these folks. They have it somewhere in their mind that just because a US soldier encounters an enemy, that the enemy will just drop his weapon and be arrested quietly.


Of course, this would be nice, but ain't the real world.

Here's the thing that burns my ass most of all, there is the running tally of dead US soldiers. The media tells up the number EVERY night. What the never mention is the numbers of dead, this far into Vietnam, or even the number of gang related killings in Compton Califorina the previous night. Which is ALWAYS higher.

I wish that NO ONE had to die in this war, but that's not going to happen.

But what really bothers me is that people die here from murder every day, and it is a larger number of people that die than the ones dying overseas fighting a war for God sake. So is it ok to kill people here, just not overseas??

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by satan:

Eh? They'll never take over. No way.

<font color ="midnightblue"> It's not an inevitability, but we are paving the way for such an event. History proves that no country lasts forever, or at the least without some radical governmental overhaul. That said, who knows when it might happen to the US. One thing that will be interesting to note is the way politics will swing in the next fifty years or so. The marxist baby-boomer generation is finally begining to fade out, and if trends prove accurate, then a conservative era will be in order.


But God Almighty, if Hillary nails the office in '08...

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Originally posted by The Silent God:

<font color ="midnightblue"> It's not an inevitability, but we are paving the way for such an event. History proves that no country lasts forever, or at the least without some radical governmental overhaul. That said, who knows when it might happen to the US. One thing that will be interesting to note is the way politics will swing in the next fifty years or so. The marxist baby-boomer generation is finally begining to fade out, and if trends prove accurate, then a conservative era will be in order.


But God Almighty, if Hillary nails the office in '08...

too bad that whole history teaches us crap goes right out the window, The United States is the world first true republic, I believe that the USA will fall when society as we know it ceases to exist.
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