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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

Go BUCKS!!!!


If Michigan had won, I doubt there response would have been "Well that game means nothing to us". :rolleyes: Whatever douchebags, keep on thinking that you are "above" OSU, it just makes our victories that much better.

This man speaks the truth
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What is anyone denying. You guys played a better game and beat us this year. The problem is, we lost nothing and gained nothing.


I'm sure everyone is damn salty we lost. But not as devistating as it would have been if wisconsin won. And, no buckeye fans had much to say leading up to the game so there wasn't much shit talking going on like last year :-( that sucks.


But still, we lost. Were pissed we lost, just not as pissed as we normally are when we lose.

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Originally posted by Rane:

The problem is, we lost nothing and gained nothing.

What the hell are you guys smoking? You ALL can't really be that stupid.


YOU LOST THE OUTRIGHT BIG TEN TITLE. You lost your top 10 BCS and Poll ranking. You lost 12 months of shit-talking the Buckeyes. Need I continue?


You did gain a Rose Bowl bid thanks to the Iowa Hawkeyes.


denial (de·ni·al): refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

If Michigan had won, I doubt there response would have been "Well that game means nothing to us". :rolleyes:

Excellent point.


Originally posted by Rotarded:

YOU LOST THE OUTRIGHT BIG TEN TITLE. You lost your top 10 BCS and Poll ranking. You lost 12 months of shit-talking the Buckeyes. Need I continue?


You did gain a Rose Bowl bid thanks to the Iowa Hawkeyes.


denial (de·ni·al): refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.

With Mike posting like this, all I need to do is copy and paste.
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Top 10 BCS ranking? Who fucking cares? If you are not #1 who fucking cares about your BCS ranking. Do you really go around when the Buckeyes are #8 in the country and say " yeah we are no. EIGHT" hahahaha. What a fucking joke. The best were all the assholes rushing the field like they won the superbowl holding your fingers up and saying to the camera "were no 1". Ha Ha I was thinking no you are number "5". Like I said IN THE END it meant nothing. Learn to read. Sure it sucks to lose, but as far as I am concerned Michigan won the Big ten, they BEAT IOWA! If the shoe was on the other foot and it was OSU who beat Iowa you would say the same thing. I listened to so much shit the year Michigan popped OSU's Bubble. I had to listen to "all your shitty team has become is a 1 game season killer" "you all still had a bad year". Please save it for someone who is weak minded and will believe your bullshit. Have fun watching Air force! I hope USC goes to the rose bowl I like to see a rematch! I'm sure you all will root against Michigan in that game also not knowing that effects OSU's ranking next year. Typical ignorant buckeye fans.....Post the ultimate come back for a buckeye fan one more time "FUCK MICHIGAN". :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by SpaceGhost:


Like I said IN THE END it meant nothing. Learn to read. Sure it sucks to lose, but as far as I am concerned Michigan won the Big ten, they BEAT IOWA! If the shoe was on the other foot and it was OSU who beat Iowa you would say the same thing. I listened to so much shit the year Michigan popped OSU's Bubble. I had to listen to "all your shitty team has become is a 1 game season killer" "you all still had a bad year". Please save it for someone who is weak minded and will believe your bullshit. Have fun watching Air force! I hope USC goes to the rose bowl I like to see a rematch! I'm sure you all will root against Michigan in that game also not knowing that effects OSU's ranking next year. Typical ignorant buckeye fans.....Post the ultimate come back for a buckeye fan one more time "FUCK MICHIGAN". :rolleyes:

You, weak minded? No. Simple minded, perhaps. You can take all your cyclical reasoning and defend your narrow point of view: "it meant nothing". But who are you trying to kid?


My arguement with you, and the other 2 (Rane and Steathdonkey) is your pathetic attempt to sway anyones view of the outcome of the OSU/UM game by saying "it meant nothing" in the end, in your end, whatever. Textbook Denial. Period.


My so called "bullshit" is fact. Plain and simple fact. You, nor Johnny Cochran, can dispute. Yes, you beat Iowa. You won a share of the Big Ten Championship with Iowa. YOU LOST THE OUTRIGHT BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Ask Lloyd Car, the players, the University, or any graduate of Michigan. It meant something alright. Maybe not as much as it meant to OSU, but get real!


Michigan lost to Notre Dame as well meaning they lost, what some could argue, the two most important games of the season. That meant nothing in the end as well?


You might heed your own advice and learn to read. Read my whole posts this time. I did not say "Fuck Michigan".I congratulated Michigan and wish them to represent the Big Ten well. What part of that don't you understand? Am I rooting against them?


I am not the rabid, Michigan bashing, in your face OSU fan. I am a graduate of OSU.In fact I will challenge you to find a single post where I have bashed Michigan, or any other program. I will defend OSU to the end, and will admit defeat and/or being wrong, but will not throw any "stones".


Lastly, did you ever stop for a moment ant consider that the reason YOU hear so much shit from OSU fans might be due to your participation in the spewing serving to propogate the situation?


[ 21. November 2004, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Rotarded ]

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