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Mozilla Firefox


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I've heard a couple people on here say they use it and like it. I just downloaded 0.9.3, and i'm not impressed. It takes for ever for the program to launch, the screen shakes like my scroll wheel is broken (it isn't), it has difficulity finding sites, and it is completely barebones, i had to install java myself.



Good bye Firefox, hello add/remove programs window.

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Guest 00Smurf

i use firefox and have never had a problem with it. Works great for me. Havent tried 9.3 yet still using 8.0. will d/l and let u knw if i have any probs.


Definatly use something other than explorer though.

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Originally posted by The_Bandwagon_Jumper_of_Fury:

it is completely barebones, i had to install java myself.

That's the idea. Firefox comes as bloat-free as possible, then you customize to your liking. Check out this page to see all the available extensions.





I use Adblock, Nuke Anything, and Tabbrowser Extensions.


Firefox has got to be the most customizable browser out there. It renders pages faster than IE for me.

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