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CS:s tourny?


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Originally posted by Rane:

I'd probably lose in source, but I'll take whoever wants it in condition zero.


I seriously, just went 50-0 last night on dust2 in a pub 8 on 8.

At least you didn't loose - big thumbs up on that.


As for the 50-0: wallhacking, aimbotting, mofo. ;)

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

He spelled it right. I was congratulating him on being the first at CR to do so...


Me I spell Lose -> W.I.N.


I also spell Loose -> O.R.I.O.N.



lol! i wanst sure what you were aiming at, man. i kinda thought that was a little tongue in cheek zinger, but sometimes it doesnt translate well on *** intraweb.


anyways, your cars ugly. nyah nyah.


(from the guy with the wrx graemlins/wtf.gif )

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