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Need Help: Halo2 - I'm Stuck


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After accompanying the scarab, and watching him blow a hole in the doorway across the pond, I fly over to the door, go in, walk through the sparks, kill the grunts and they grunts with the red flags about their heads, then I'm stuck. There are two doorways in that room, but neither one of them will open. *shrug*


The current mission objective is: Enter the Control Room and Deal with Tartagus (or something like that).


I've double checked I've killed everything - where am I supposed to go?


Thanks in advance!



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is there a glass floor that you can go underneath? if that is the room that oyu are talking about then you need to go in the door to the right as you are approaching them. it will open when the second wave of guys comes out. so maybe you are missing a guy hiding in the room or something, try reloading from last checkpoint and see if that helps any.
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Originally posted by gergwheel:

is there a glass floor that you can go underneath? if that is the room that oyu are talking about then you need to go in the door to the right as you are approaching them. it will open when the second wave of guys comes out. so maybe you are missing a guy hiding in the room or something, try reloading from last checkpoint and see if that helps any.

yup, that is the room, I reloaded from the last checkpoint, no go, also wandered around (relatively small area) for 30 minutes looking for more bad guys, none around...guess I'll have to restart the chapter and try again, hrmmm...update later, thanks for the help!



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Originally posted by Ricochet:

That's the very end of the game, but I forget how to get in that room.. I'll try to play it today and let you know.

Yup. If I remember right, the door just opened for me. Just restart the chapter and make sure you killed everyone.


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right after i was done reading this thread, i decided to finish up the game and right where i stopped playing last time was right before you walk into the room. well anyway, i didn't have any trouble with the door opening for me after the 2nd wave came in. did the 2nd wave just not ever come out when you were playing?
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