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Flight sim gamming


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Anyone else into it? I've been into it since MS Fligh Sim 4.0. I currently use MS Flight Sim 2002.


My set up is


MS FS 2002

Flight Sim voice controlled co pilot software

For my controls I use a home built cockpit that has

a flight stick, rudder pedals, and a hand throttle beside the MK III supra seat.


I enjoy flying IFR between states and heliocopter flights around columbus. Its awesome to try putting it down on the buildings downtown.


If anyone else does it it would be awesome to do some flying sometime.



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You can download it for about any flight sim out there. Myself and others consider Microsofts flight sims to be the best out there.


That plane is cool. It takes a couple of states to turn it at over mach 3.


I've flown most of the consumer simulators and I've also flown the "Really advanced" ones at the dayton airshow and the like and the Microsoft ones kick there asses badly.


Check out this guys cockpit *



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I'm running msfs2004 with a saitek 3d gold joystick right now, would like to pick up a flight stick and rudder peddles someday. I've got tons of acft downloaded for it some better than others but all pretty good. I'm just starting to get into the whole filling out a flight plan and useing the gps stuff. I would suggest a program called usa roads it really adds alot of roads helping out with flying vfr alot.

In response to desperado, there are tons of planes available for free or for a price I've got everything from an SR-71 to a U-2 even have the spruce goose. Basically if it flew you can find it, hell there is even a flying train, and a flying human (think superman but naked) it's pretty much endless.

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I was looking at FS2004. It looks like its a little better then 2002 graphics wise, but it addes alot to the GPS and has a much smarter ATC and allows more options with IFS flights.


GPS comes pretty natural to me since I use one daily in my job to locate businesses and in my hobby to go offroading.


I built my own throttle control and made some rudder pedals out of an old joystick to see if I wanna buy them. there over $150 for a good one.

I'm probably going to make a better throttle this winter that will be able to control up to 4 engines independently. In flight sim you can have up to 255 joystick axises at the same time so its almost endless.



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Yeah I've never used fs2002 but in 2004 I taxied out in front of an acft coming in for a landing and instead of hitting me or flying right over me to land it actually aborted the landing and went around for another go at it.

2004 has a bunch of historic flights built into it so if you want to sit down and actually fly the 30 some odd hours it took Lindburg to cross the atlantic by damned you can do it.

Everytime I fly it I notice something else that amazes me, a couple of weeks ago I flew over Mt Rushmore And you can make it out clear as day. Oh and I picked up a addon called wings of power that gives you a B-17, B-24 , B-29 and some other german and british acft but whats really cool about it other than the unbelievable attention to detail is it adds the flight dynamics and visual effects for a belly landing. Sparks off the tips of the props and smoke that drifts past you after you stop is so much better than that frame freeze and crash note that the normal flight sim gives you. graemlins/thumb.gif

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I've got MS spacesim. it is so insainly complex that its not even fun. Probably why they only made 1 version of it too. Its something that you should have a good calculator handy while flying.


Oh a note on cool tools to use while flying. If the ATC instructs you to hold at a VORTAC you should have a stop watch to make 1 minute passes and then u turn to do it correctly.



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