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CS:Source for CR.com @ -FightClub-


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First of all, I don't give a shit if you think 1.6 is better, CZ has better graphics, etc....

:rolleyes: I'm not trying to be a dick or anything.... just trying to keep this on topic....


We wanted to post that the server is finally stable. We have the stats working well along with the other features.


The IP is


Hope to see some of you on there!

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Originally posted by Kohones:

Originally posted by Dr. Z06:

I have no idea what anyone is talking about.



I'm lost too, guess I ain't cool? Getting old stinks -

Ah... it is all your frame of mind....


CS:Source = Counter Strike:Source (online two team shooter with Terrorists and Counter-Terrorist teams).

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I was just on with about 4 others.... we usually play in the evenings... from ~7:00PM - midnight....




[ 29. May 2005, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Maro ]

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Originally posted by Veritas:

Maro - what's your aim name so i can shoot the crap with you about getting a privi for match play?


And also...the ip above doesn't work for whatever reason.



IM or PM 69CamaroSS.... it is actually his server....
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I tried to get on the other day, but my computer is experiencing power issues. Not getting enough juice to my 6800 Ultra. I lose my signal to my monitor, it says, "Going to Sleep" and I have to reboot. Blah...


Once I get that crap straightened out, I'll be on...


Typically use the handle Z4rt4n.

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