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change to smoking ban?


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IMO it would be nice if the bars would take initiative and not allow smoking, I don't go to bars partially because I don't like all the smoke. If not having smoking in their bar would help their business they would probably do it. Unfortunately most people who go to bars smoke. I just don't think it should be the governments place to tell the business owners what they can do.
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Guest Harris92
I have mixed feelings about the issue. I think it is kind of nice to come home and not smell like cigarettes. However, this type of ban makes me nervous because it is taking away a personal freedom we have in this country (what has already been said) I am very skeptical as to where this is headed. I just hope it stops here and does not get more extreme, in terms of taking away personal liberties.
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What I'm seeing in this thread are two kinds of people: Those who don't like smoking but feel the need for liberty to be upheld, and selfish, ignorant people who think that only their opinion matters. What you guys don't realize is that this is taking a huge chunk out of that little thing we like to call "free enterprise"... telling business owners that their patrons aren't allowed to do something legal within their establishment? Are you people real? that's an absolutely incredible abuse of the Bill of Rights, and you guys are ignoring it because the decisions upports your cause. WHat if somebody passed a law that said you weren't allowed to have a car or vehicle that could go over X miles per hour or couldn't have more than X horsepower, because such a vehicle would pollute the environment excessively... what would you say then? You people need to open your eyes and realize some of the shit that goes on, and how it affects the nation or populace as a whole, not just how it affects you.
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That being said about "rights" what about the ability to get married to someone who was gay or a lesbian? Why infringe on that, they want to legally be together and it's not affecting anyone else but them, so why make a law saying they can't? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So fuck it, everything is changing because people want xx to be a certain why so why not do that same thing to everything else?
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Guest GSRchick714
Basically I think that the bar/restaurant/random place of business itself should be able to choose whether smoking is permitted or not. It should not be a choice made by anyone but the owners of that business. Thats just my .02!
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Guest Harris92
Originally posted by GSRchick714:

Basically I think that the bar/restaurant/random place of business itself should be able to choose whether smoking is permitted or not. It should not be a choice made by anyone but the owners of that business. Thats just my .02!

agreed. It should be the choice of the owner
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Originally posted by Veritas:

That being said about "rights" what about the ability to get married to someone who was gay or a lesbian? Why infringe on that, they want to legally be together and it's not affecting anyone else but them, so why make a law saying they can't? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So fuck it, everything is changing because people want xx to be a certain why so why not do that same thing to everything else?

there is a thread on this subject in this section already, you can use the search function to find it. Instead of changing the subject, try making an intellegent point about THIS subject. I am aware it's hard for liberals to argue without jumping from one issue to another, but at least try.
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I just did shrek and it's the same thing, people aren't comfortable with xx so they want it changed. It's called using examples, get a fucking clue. And what the hell does being a liberal have to do with anything? I've not really aligned myself to any party, I just don't like bush. Also for someone who said try to make an intelligant argument over something, attacking whatever my own personal political stance sure is an awesome way to lead by example.
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no it's that you don't have a leg to stand on in this argument so "hey, what about this over here and turn it into a different argument" which is exactly what would happen and what you tried to do, if you admit it or not.
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Originally posted by Veritas:

That being said about "rights" what about the ability to get married to someone who was gay or a lesbian? Why infringe on that, they want to legally be together and it's not affecting anyone else but them, so why make a law saying they can't? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. So fuck it, everything is changing because people want xx to be a certain why so why not do that same thing to everything else?

Marriage is, and always has been, a religious institution brought about by the church. It just so happens that the Fed thought it would be fun to tax it, which causes a lot of confusion in this country.


Being a religious institution, it is also defined by how the church feels it should be. Being a private organization, they can include and exclude whoever they want. The government encourages this because of family stability, procreation, and taxes. Offering the gay community a legally binding civil union gives a gay couple the same legal rights and status as a heterosexual married couple, but doesn't involve the church.


I can't figure out why gay rights activists are going up against the government, when in reality its the church they need to convince to change.


Note - before you start accusing me of being slanted on this issue, I have been as careful as possible to not have an arguement as to whether or not homosexuality is right or wrong, I just wanted to show that the way they are going about the fight is wrong.

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nope mike, you're right it is due to the religious organizations, the whole deal with it all is that the government is putting their hand into stuff that doesn't need to be. I'm for the smoking ban, why? I like going out and chilling with friends without worrying about smoke and shit all the time. I've had family members, and friends pass away due to lung cancer (1 second hand, the other two smoked) and thats why I have such a strong stance against it. True, the bars should be able to have the right to do a lot of things with their establishment, but the law passed, just deal. The people who started the petition did it right, get people together who are interested in changing the law and do something about it if you can, if you can't let it the fuck go and live.



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