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Everything posted by TurboII7

  1. 84 Audi 4000 91 Nissan Maxima 89 Mazda RX7 TII 93 Mazda RX7 99 Buick Regal GS
  2. It is like a how ugly can you make your car contest. What kind of loser would waste their money on that stuff, I don't even see how you could drive some of those cars without breaking stuff.
  3. I think he was saying of A 747, yeah 747sq ft would be like pusing the first floor of a small house in front of him.
  4. TurboII7


    Whether the pope should be worshiped or not he still deserves some respect, whether you are a catholic or not.
  5. TurboII7

    Car Porn!!

    Those are some sweet cars, I think those two Lamborghinis came like that, but yeah it is pretty ugly.
  6. hmm that is on my side of town, Since we didn't get the rain they called for today it might be a nice night to meet up somewhere, so I might make it out.
  7. TurboII7

    Cruise 3/30

    Yeah we went by Target/Lowes, and Quaker Stake several tims around 8:15-8:45ish and just didn't see anyone there.
  8. Yah it seems pretty cool, but I don't think you can get any sort of street info out of it. So you can find out your Lat, Long, but that isn't very useful really.
  9. TurboII7

    Cruise 3/30

    Any ideas where at Polaris you guys are gonna be? Quaker Steak? Lowes? I'll meet up there around 8 or so.
  10. graemlins/thatfunny.gif That was hillarious!!
  11. Looks nice with those rims on there. We really need to drop the front plate law though.
  12. Wow I can't beleive you guys are debating this, I would say DSLs just cuz it sounds better to me. Though DSL would make sense too, but really who cares.
  13. TurboII7

    Cruise 3/30

    Where are you guys meeting up at Polaris, I am taking GSRChick out for some putt putt up there and we will probably meet up with you guys up there afterwards.
  14. Yeah I heard about a scam similar to that where the MO was no good, and the guy would take the money refunded to him and leave the other guy with a fake money order, or something like that.
  15. Yep def taking a cruise on my lunch again today to enjoy the weather while it's here.
  16. Damn that sucks man, that is part of why I don't have a bike, dumb people that cant drive! Congrats on the endo though
  17. What kind of GTI do you have? VR6 or the 2.0? Sounds like 2.0 since you said cam.. welcome to the board though.
  18. Wow it really amazes me how stupid some people can be.. Should you really be changing your own brakes if you don't even know your model? Maybe that should be a sign that you deserve to pay a couple hundred bucks to have the dealer do it.
  19. Yeah wish I wasn't at work all day, I got outside on lunch and just wanted to cruise since it is so nice.
  20. That's cool so you are going to have 2 corollas? an 84 and an 85? BTW that is the cleanest Celica Supra I have seen why are you trading it?
  21. Yeah this sun is awesome I can't wait for 70's tomorrow, where is your car going?
  22. TurboII7

    Funny joke..

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