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interstate scare???

kawi kid

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Why cant people just go on with their lives and not try to save other people by calling the cops. These people liked what they were seeing and still called the riders in,but the cops never came!I hate these stupid sissy people that see something they couldnt do or understand so it must be bad. The riders didnt need to block ALL the lanes,but they were trying to be safe about it lol.

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They did block every lane at one point. The one idiot even pulled into the HOV lane to wheelie right in front of them. You don't do that sort of stuff around traffic.

I'm sure some stunting super hero will chime in saying they can turn on a dime and react within enough time while pulling a wheelie down an interstate in traffic as to avoid anything that may pop up.

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There are plenty of Back roads around most cities even that you can go to and pull some up.

Why does it have to be around traffic, and blocking other drivers is the worst thing for them to do. What pisses people off more, someone doing a wheelie, or being made to drive 45mph on a hwy so someone else can break the law..

Even if I was there and they started that shit I would have been on 911 as ASAFP.

Not only does it cost me to be late and back up traffic, the next time I am running down the highway someone could try to take revenge out on me.

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