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Beer and sex...


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save the day once again.


Let me explain. My day started off this morning with me waking up 15 minutes before I had to be at work. I live in Newark; I work in Columbus. I had the typical boring day at work.

Things were looking up late day, as my buddy from work and I went to Hooters and split a pitcher of Bud. Things were even better when I went to pick up some 'car parts' from East Main St.


Things went WAY down hill from there. As I am approaching the 270S to 70E merge, I see blue and red lights on my ass. I get over. He doesn't go around me; he pulls me over. The given reason for me being stopped is becasue, "Sir, I could not see that you had your 'parts' tied down properly in the bed. I assume you have a bill of sale for these parts? If you have this many 'parts' on you at once, you need a receipt, or I'll assume they are stolen."




Clean-cut 28 year old guy driving a $30K+ truck, and he assumed they were stolen? Anyways, he lets me go, except for now it's 6pm at the 270/70 split, and it takes me 5 minutes just to rejoin traffic.


I make it all the way to the Flying J on 70E, and traffic hits A FUCKING STAND-STILL. Not 10mph, not 5mph, ZERO. I sit in this bullshit for 45 minutes. Then, I pull a U-turn accross a very deep part of the median, and head up Rt 158(I think). I make it a couple more miles on Rt40, until Rt40 comes to a complete FUCKING stand-still.


Again, I sit for at least 40 minutes with my gas guage reading "0 miles left til empty". I see Gale Rd. Woo-hoo, that's the back way into my neighborhood. I make it to a BP, get gas, and take a piss (remember Hooters?). When I go back to my truck, I see large dog paw scratches down the side of my front fenders. GREAT. FUCKING GREAT.


So today, I woke up way late, got pulled over, sat for 2+ hours in traffic, and found dog scratches in my paint. Enough for anyone right? Nope.


As soon as I walk in the house, my wife says, "I have something to tell you, but you'll be pissed. The ceiling in the spare bedroom has some weird looking marks on it." I investigate... water leaking. GRRRRRR.


Life 1. Me 0.


Then I remember, there's beer in the fridge. Ahhhhhhh. Much better. And then I remember, I'm married, and there are some benefits to that, too.


So, in summary... life blows, 70 being closed due to high water blows, but as long as there's beer and women, all is good.



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Originally posted by NurkVinny:


Looks like you need some KILZ, followed by ceiling paint. Assuming the leak was fixed, of course. FWIW, when that happened in our house, our homeowners covered it. We got a new roof with upgraded materials, and also they fixed the ceiling, walls, and installed new gutters.
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If it makes you feel any better, I have a nice leak around one of my skylights. It leaks on the wood in two places on one side of it, another spot on the wood on the opposite side, and now I have a small drip from the ceiling next to the wood. :(


I've had a couple small leaks in the past from this skylight, but nothing this bad. Funny how the other one doesn't leak a drop. Luckily I plan on putting a whole new roof on the house this spring and sealing the skylights really well, so at least it will get fixed.


And be happy; at least the cop didn't smell the beer on your breath and try to get you for that BS.

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I think you're supposed to drill/cut a hole out so the water can have somewhere to go. Then put a pot under it. It's not raining now so it won't matter. But if it's not fixed by next rain then it should be done.


Life sux sometimes though. I think it's got me by more then just 1.

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