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XP System Hosed


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Some virus or worm or witch has hosed my system good this time. I had the usual homepage redirect bs and some 'search' pages. The combination of SpyBot, HyJackThis, AdAware, etc has usually fixed all of these issues. If not, no biggy, I'd just do a system restore to minus 1 or 2 days back, and all is well.


Well, tonight, I can't even run Sytem Restore, or System Info, or Help&Support, or any other damn utility to restore my PC.


I've been through the Hosts file, the system prefetch, the startup programs, deleted ALL temp files and uninstalled any and everything that looked fishy.


So, any ideas what has hyjacked this PC to the point that I can't even do a system restore?

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Yesterday I had to look at a friend's PC due to the Sasser worm. Today I have to go to another family's house as well. Basically the symptom is that their PC keeps restarting. You can go here to see if you are infected and how to remove it.


Here's another link for a program that should remove it as well:


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Originally posted by Foo Lights:

Vince, you're more than welcome to bring your PC over and I'll fix it.


Fixing PC > replacing spark plugs :D

I am taking it into work with me tomorrow. I was up til past 4am f'ing with it, and it's still hozered. Wouldn't hurt to wipe the thing out and start fresh anyway.
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Same here, Windows Update is my friend. smile.gif


Unfortunately, there are people out there who don't know much about computers and internet. Yesterday I scanned a friend's computer and it had 87 instances of the W32.Sasser.B worm.


I installed the patch and updated their anti-virus.


Now they know the importance of updating. :D

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Well here is the problem when you have a network as large as Cardinal with this many computers the patches have to be scheduled to be installed. This is a very lengthy process and if 1 machine is not patched then it is an open door. I sure some of the more computer literate people will understand this. It is not alway as easy as running an update on 1 machine.
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Originally posted by Foo Lights:

860+ just in my facility alone.


SUS update sucks ass, so now we've gotta go back to each PC manually and apply the patches and virus scan.

Then get the hell off CR and go do it.
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Guest stvbreal
Originally posted by jallen100:

Damn Anthony I feel for ya man. We did not get hit that bad and I have been working my ass off for 2 days so far. Same thing for us though. We have to go to each machine apply the patch, reboot and run AV scan. SUCKS BAD

I hear ya man. I've been working my ass off too. Will it ever end !?!?! :D
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at ohio state every damn department is on their own damn setup, some nt domain some novell some just straight there to piss me off. And trust me a doctorate just means you dont have to do anythning for yourself plus the umpteen hundred state employees that are straight fools. its rediculous. New virii suuuuck ass in our labs we prolly reimage 8 pcs a day times 32 labs thats some bullshit. YOu just need to be allowed to stab people for ignorance repeated ignorance more stabbing.


Kyle g.

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