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hick chick

Guest cam'ron

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Guest cam'ron
alright so I meet this girl my cousin says is hot, and I've been talking to her, she is a big hick (wich I find attractive), but as you wold imagine, she has nice body, tig ol' bittys, and then she smiled at me and I was compelled to ask her if I could practice some field goals with her teeth. I didnt say that but I did panick and used the old "my mom just called and my grandma is getting rushed to the hospital" line. damnit
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Guest PiNk 240 GirL

hmmm well i come from a small ass town where 90% of the people drive trucks so big they can run over my cars and not notice it :(


if she had a family emergency thats one thing, try to just hang in there and be patient. and if u havent heard from her since.... Fuck that bitch! graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by PiNk 240 GirL:

hmmm well i come from a small ass town where 90% of the people drive trucks so big they can run over my cars and not notice it :(


if she had a family emergency thats one thing, try to just hang in there and be patient. and if u havent heard from her since.... Fuck that bitch! graemlins/thumb.gif

Holy fucking shit, no fucking way that this was posted. No. Fucking. Way.
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i got the "my mom had a heart attack." line


I think it was real because she had already invited me into her bed for the evening, the tears and nervous shaking were pretty convincing to.

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