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Cool Story

Thomas Aquinas

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Man, I'm hooked- this is intense (page 6- "Noises). But dammit, I want some pictures! Someone figure out how to contact this dude and get pics! This is so cool- like a ghost or horror story. *excited*


"But this was different. It took me several full seconds to comprehend that this was coming from inside the hole, and not the bit. I stopped drilling and yanked my earplugs out just in time to hear the most terrible scream I have ever heard trail off and echo into the darkness of the cavern. I stared wide-eyed at the hole. For several moments I didn't move, nor did I breathe."


WTF is this for real? It seems so serious it's hard to doubt, and so fantastic I want to believe it, but damn, that's a stretch....

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue">


"B went to the hole and yelled into it. "Joe". No answer. Not surprising. You just can't hear each other when you are very far apart in a cave. We nervously awaited any sounds (Good sounds, that is. Joe type sounds.) The twenty minute time limit we had set passed. Then twenty-five minutes. I really had no desire to climb back through the squeeze. My head was still throbbing and the squeeze looked tighter than ever. Still, I knew I was going to have to make sure Joe was safe. Just as I was getting prepared to go back through I saw a light deep in the passage. "Joe?", I called out. Nothing. "Joe!". Still no answer. The light got brighter and I could hear the noise of someone crawling across the broken rock that lined the cave. "You o.k., Joe?". "No", was his weak reply. When he got to the other side of the Tomb he said he was not feeling well. He quickly took his gear off and put them in the bag so we could pull it through. As I pulled the bag through the passage he began to climb back through the Tomb. We didn't even get a chance to question him about what he saw before he was coming back through. He quickly slipped through the squeeze and the hole and we finally got a look at him. He looked terrible. His face was pale and he was out of breath. The dust that covers the floor of the squeeze left its mark on his face and clothes. He had numerous small cuts and scratches on his face and arms. Probably from his rapid exit from the passage. His eyes were open wide."


PICTURES!!!!!! More info! Judas priest is this true?! The main page doesn't work for me, nor do any of the pics.


Thomas Aquinas! If you value your life- or more importantly, your membership to this site, you WILL provide more info about this "cool story". We need answers!

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Guest infamous me 235

page 11 doesn't work for me either and i want to know what happens!


***i googled this and according to some other sites this isn't true and is just a made up story. i don't think there is anymore to it than what is there. it would be nice if there was, i am anxious to know what happens whether it's true or not.


they mention floyd collins in the story. here's a link to what happened to him. it was kind of interesting.


Floyd Collins


[ 05. May 2004, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: Veni Vidi Vici ]

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Ok, I e-mailed the webmaster of holyshiite.com. Hopefully we'll get some answers, because page 10 is unbelievable. WTF? This is eating me alive, I've got to know what happened.


Even if this isn't true (which, considering the story, must be the case- but, considering the detail included and the apparent extent of caving of this person, and the realism of the emotions expressed, it seems so real), it would be great to find out how it was concluded.


Oh man, I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I know what happens....




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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> K, just finished it. It's 46 pages in MS Word, 12 font TNR, BTW, for anyone who's thinking of taking it on (seems alot shorter on the actual website).


I'm speechless; it must be like a ghost story, because it's too perfectly written in suspense to be real. But I'll be damned if I'm not hearing noises outside my window now... *shivers*


I also did some searching and found this site to be rather interesting. It looks like some boyscouts found a live Hodag? I don't feel like reading it all right now, but here's the link.


And here is a 'history' of the Hodag.


Geez, I'm obsessed now! *glances warily around*




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Theres a new writing style... I guess you could call it, called urban exploration. It usually involves man made places but this style is the same. It involves a forum, a long elaborate scary story, etc. Its how young writers can test their literary skills while receiving instant feedback as to the emotional commitment of the reader.


That being said, I didnt read the thread... Im just assuming.

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Guest Rane
The cave story was cool, and seemed true enough. He said some hyrogliph(SP?) was on the wall and we all know tombs are some freaky shit. Coulda been native american for all we know ;) . But wtf is with that hodag stuff.
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Rane:

The cave story was cool, and seemed true enough. He said some hyrogliph(SP?) was on the wall and we all know tombs are some freaky shit. Coulda been native american for all we know ;) . But wtf is with that hodag stuff.

<font color ="midnightblue"> refer to my above post. After reading that, I did some searching and found out that the Hodag is a 'mythical' creature from Wisconsin (figures) who is about 7 feet tall and has spikes coming out of his back. There are three types, and the one in the story is smaller, and has three eyes to see in the dark.


It apparently was created sometime in the 1800's when the curses from lumberjacks caused it to rise from the ashes of a dead bull. *shrug*. On a weirder note, it's also stated that it only eats white bulldogs, and only on Sunday..... graemlins/gay.gif


Whatever it is, it makes a nice supernatural touch to the story.



In other news, I haven't heard back from the webmaster yet. If he doesn't reply, I'm going to message the holyshiite forums, as well as post this story and our question on other forums. This will be answered.




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Guest Rane
I dunno if it were going to lie to you and try to get you to believe my cave story it would be like. "There is a weird ass blair witch sign on the wall. And I heard some insane scream, wich also caused me to lose alot of time because I had to go home and change pants..." I am really curious as to if its real too. If it were fake he would probably tell you where it was? Seemed weird he gave no ones name and no names of locatoins.
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Guest RJ1074
Originally posted by Rane:

If it were fake he would probably tell you where it was? Seemed weird he gave no ones name and no names of locatoins.

maybe thats where his creativity fails??
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Innocuous:

If anyone cares, the pictures are now working.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Awesome. Now, concedingly, they could have taken those pictures before hand and made a story of them afterwards. BUT- what fun is it to believe that??




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Originally posted by You Smell Ugly:

maybe thats where his creativity fails??

Actually I belive thats where it thrives. Without the reader know where he is talking about, his story is safe to be in fact true or false because nobody can prove him otherwise. By not using real names and locations, he has hidden much of the truth. Genius.
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