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handheld GPS units

street pilot

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Anyone here have one? I am looking at a Magellan Meridan series unit. It seems pretty nice, waterproof, quad helix antenna, 16Mb onboard and expandable with SD cards to 128Mb memory. Should that be enough?


Any pros, cons, reviews, input?


What would you make sure to get or avoid if you bought another one?

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High Risk:


well, the speed detector is pretty cool, is it relatively close to actual, or how far off is it?


I will keep you in mind if I need a radar gun though. smile.gif



I mainly want it for all of the features. I would like to be driving anywhere (in the US) and be able to zoom in on my street location and see nearby roads.


I also want to be able to go camping, and just start walking, then use it to help me find my way back. (with the compass as well as waypoints.)


For the software, its just one cd for the entire US correct? How much memory does yours have (in SD cards) and how much of the state or US can you fit onto it? Does it show nearby bodies of water, even small ponds?



What exactly did you love about it? Just made it easy to navigate the roads? Did it track your whole route? Could you zoom in down to the street corner you were on?


Sorry for all the questions guys. tongue.gif

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i use a garmin rino 110 over here. It dosent have the detailed streetmaps, but it is acurate, and the 2 way radio is nice for staying in touch with the rest of my guys on convoys.

the 120 is better, but is always sold out at the px, and the 130 has very good maps. if i could find one, i would own it. Also you can get the cable to use you computer to uplad new maps and nav points, also save old nav points

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I've got one of these:




And this software.




I hvae a pair of 32 meg memory cards for it. 32 megs will get me most of ohio and nearly to indy as I remember. It will tell you where the closest ATM's are, restaurants, etc. It's pretty neat, you can give it an address and it will give turn by turn directions to get there. And, right after I bought mine, they did a "kit" with the GPS, cord, car power cord, windshield mount, mapping software, etc for less than I paid for my stuff with 25% off (when I bought it).


I like mine.


My thoughts.

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I used a Magellan for my 4x4 trail leading duties. They are the most accurate of the name brand consumer units. I only have 6MB of memory, but I can load topographic maps in full detail of 80% of Ohio. In low detail street only I can get a

few states in it.


I also use it for work driving around on service calls and it will get me to 99% of the locations I work in. Some of the newest streets aren't on the maps yet, but aren't on any other maps other than county ones anyway.



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Originally posted by Nitrousbird:

How about CHEAP, used GPS units.


All I have any need for is speed (for when I am boating, as boat speedo's are notoriously innacurate), and some very basic general bearings when out in the water. Any other feature is 100% useless to me.

You would be surprised. I bet yours is pretty close to real speed. Around 65 is where they start to get optimistic.
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Color would be nice, but for a considerable amount more.

I don't really have any trouble sorting out all the data since you can zoom as close as you need and can limit the type of data you are needing to see anyway.



As for out on the water. You wouldn't even need one with a detailed base map for marine navigation. Just one with a good tracking feature so you can create routes and input your own navigation markers.



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