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Computer help?


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I know we have a few techno savvy people around here, so hopefully someone will be able to help. I just moved into my dorm yesterday and was wanting to hook up my router so I could play XBOX Live. Well, in reading the stuff about the network I learned that we're not aloud to hook up routers/WAP/etc. to the network. I was wondering if there was anyone way around this so I can get Live up and running. Should I call their bluff and just see if it works and if not, tell them I never saw the guidelines? Any help is greatly appreciated. graemlins/thumb.gifgraemlins/bubbrubb.gif


[ 28. August 2004, 11:41 PM: Message edited by: Sofa King ]

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Innocuous:

I dont know jack about Xbox, you need a router for it to work?


How do they expect 2 computers to be online in a given dorm then?


You could probably use a switch.

They usually have more than one jack unless you're in a single. If there's an unused jack, plug it in there with no router.
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Try the router, or a switch, not sure of there internet setup at whatever college you are at. But it should work, and what the hell who cares if they say dont use it do they have computer police raiding dorm rooms?
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Here is an idea:


Unplug the computer and plug in the X-box! I know that people will really miss you being constantly signed on to your instant message software, but I think they will learn to cope with it... eventually.


Now PayPal me $10 for solving your stupid problem.

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Originally posted by Obsequy Empire:

Here is an idea:


Unplug the computer and plug in the X-box! I know that people will really miss you being constantly signed on to your instant message software, but I think they will learn to cope with it... eventually.


Now PayPal me $10 for solving your stupid problem.

The funny thing is, I already tried that. graemlins/slap.gif Thanks for playing though.
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Originally posted by Sofa King:

The funny thing is, I already tried that. graemlins/slap.gif Thanks for playing though.

Sounds like you need to throw the X-Box out the window, shut the computer down, and turn the lights off. Now sit in the dark until the solution comes to you.


That should ensure that we don't hear from you for quite a while.

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Originally posted by Obsequy Empire:

Sounds like you need to throw the X-Box out the window, shut the computer down, and turn the lights off. Now sit in the dark until the solution comes to you.


That should ensure that we don't hear from you for quite a while.

Oh, you're so funny. smile.gif
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when i was living in the dorms i had to set a specific ip address for my specific port. i dont think you can do this on the xbox, also if you want have more then one connection us a hub and plug your port in the wall into the uplink on the hub. this wont work though unless you have all the devices on the hub as the same ip address.
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Guest riggs867

I am assuming that you have Win2K or later.


Install a second ethernet card in your PC.


Download and install Sygate personal firewall software.


Plug a switch / hub into your internal NIC, and play away.

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