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Any climbers out there?

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figured I'd check on more time since new faces have joined since my last trip.

As some of you may know, I have picked up the habbit of Mountaineering, aka Alpinism. I am currently planning yet another winter attempt at Longs Peak (Front Range Colordo).

After having my ass kicked off the mountain by a storm last winter, I'm heding back with new insight and a slightly new plan. But, not to be anti social, I figure I'd offer up some spots to potential climbing team members on here. On new rule, different then the last.

If you have no expereince, dont even think of asking to join in. Relying on an inexperienced climber is more dangerous then climbing alone. so for this, I'll be needing a wee lil "resume" of sorts.


-Experience with altitude

-Experience with extreme cold (expect 20 below + hurricane force winds)

-Prior climbing experience

-tripple digit IQ

-tough mother fucker


There is choice of routes up this mountain in the winter, ranging from simple class 4-5 climbing/scrambling to a 1300ft sheer alpine wall. We will use one of 2 routes, depending on experience level. Basicaly, the easy ones, though still very dangerous.


What I need prior to this climb is line experience. I dont have what I would consider adiquate experience with vertical rock. I need to learn lines, knots, anchors, and belay techniques. I have more ice experience then rock, and its not realy comperble, crampons/axes grip ice better then hands and boots grip rock. I'f I posses this knowlege, it opens up a new route to me, one that is comperbly safer then the so clled "non technical" one. Any rock climbers here that can 'larn' me this stuff?


The route:

7 miles of this:


We sleep here;


and either do the last 1000 feet traversing ledges like these, and gaining altitude in colouirs....


or, wo do the more technical Cables route, straigh up this:


there's about 1000 fett of that, we hook tot he left and out of frame. It gets very verticle at points, but the snow and ice ctualy help things out.

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Originally posted by BiG BeN:

i'm a climber,this kind though.

%5B/img%5D%5B/b%5D I topped my grandmas 40ft old school TV antena by age 8...boy was that dumb.

Used to climb the I beams in our highschool gym, about 50 feet...boy was that dumb.

Water towers, grain elevators, warehouse racks, rock formations, never used a single line....dumb

About to climb one of the toughest peaks in the lower 48 during the worst possible time of year....ehhh smile.gif' alt='> About to climb one of the toughest peaks in the lower 48 during the worst possible time of year....ehhh smile.gif'>

Gotta ask, why the gear? Dont those structures have some means for maintainence folk to get up and down, like gaged ladders and such? Or are you one of said people, and OSHA makes ya use that stuff?

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they have a steel ladder with a 3/8" cable running up, you gotta have a harness w/ cable grab to get up it(in compliance) once you get there though there's a lot of hang dangling under antennas and stuff. so you need a wide assortment of positioning gear.and yeah it's occupational for me so i gotta watch out for the man and stay compliant.they hand out personal fines for willful violations in my field.
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like most other outdoor/construction jobs. when you start green you carry an old mans toolbag for about 10$/hr.but if you stick with it and bust your ass you can make a ton of cash.using myself as an example i started in 96 at 8.50/hour. now i'm in the 6figure club.not bad for a high school education.
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