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I am glad to know that he was caught. Still cannot bring a friend back though. Its a shame, as I just read that aparently, he was giving them a ride somewhere to get gas and thats when they shot him. I just hope that whatever justice is instore for these men gets served. If they are not citizens, and we deport them, I am sure they wil be back.

At least he didnt have too much freedom after doing this.

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Originally posted by Mr. 2:

If they're not citizens then technically they don't have our rights. I say do what we will with them and make them suffer.

thats not what the constitution says.



i say you leave him alone with marc for a while. surest way to get him an anal raping.

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Originally posted by FC_Joe:

I am glad to know that he was caught. Still cannot bring a friend back though. Its a shame, as I just read that aparently, he was giving them a ride somewhere to get gas and thats when they shot him. I just hope that whatever justice is instore for these men gets served. If they are not citizens, and we deport them, I am sure they wil be back.

At least he didnt have too much freedom after doing this.

The important thing is that he was caught. It's a shame that the innocent and giving people are sometimes the ones who suffer the most.
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