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to kick his or not to......

Guest FBody Addict

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Guest FBody Addict

I had a friend tell my girlfriend that she should break up with me because he likes her.

should i whip his ass or be cool with him or just not hang out with him anymore?

any other ideas?


she is the one who told me that he said it so dont tell me to not trust her

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Guest FBody Addict

no, he was acting kinda funny when we were over at his house last night, and i went to the bathroom before we left and had to take her home cause i had to work in the morning and i drove, and he asked her if she wanted to come back after i dropped her off or hang out while i was at work today, and then he called her today to see if she wanted to hang out, texted her on her phone too (saw the text and the phone log) and told her that shit


sorry about the runons its late im tired

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Is it really worth getting all hyped up over? Be grown up about it. Obviously he's not your friend, and not at all trustworthy, so why waste another piece of your time on him?


On a separate note though, your girlfriend should be doing a little more to keep you calm. First thing she should be doing is calling him either in front of you, or texting him back in front of you to let the guy know that she's NOT interested in seeing him ever again because it's obvious what kind of person he is and does not have respect for others, if she truly feels that way.


Bottom line though is that the guy didn't say anything to you, he confronted your girlfriend. Therefore, it's her place to tell him that 'no, she's not interested in seeing him, will not be breaking up with you for him, and now that she sees how he is, has no interest in having any kind of a relationship with him.' Same thing if a girl-friend of yours and hers hit on you in the same manner. It's really YOUR place to let her know what's going on, but at the same time informing your girlfriend of it so that you can't be accused of keeping anything from her.


Just what I would do in the situation...

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Guest mudbutt
I agree with razorback. It takes 2 to tango, if she isnt doing anything to keep him at bay, then that is on her, not him. As far as dude, he isnt your friend. Be the bigger person and just get him(or both of them) out of your life.
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Originally posted by Mud Butt:

I agree with razorback. It takes 2 to tango, if she isnt doing anything to keep him at bay, then that is on her, not him. As far as dude, he isnt your friend. Be the bigger person and just get him(or both of them) out of your life.

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Guest domestic_disturbance

if he doesnt give up, kick his ass-----OR

wait until he's at work and loosen up the drain plug on his oil pan---dont take it out, just loosen it, that way, when he is drivin along, it falls out, all his oil drains, and POOF, there goes his motor

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Guest stvbreal

Go ahead an kick his ass. Then spend some time in jail/prison so when after he heals he's bangin yer chick while yer getting banged by a bunch of guys.


Geez, keep a cool head. Is any girl worth going to jail/prison over?


Then again, fuckit. Kick his ass.

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Guest domestic_disturbance
Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

hmmmm.... that would work except he delivers pizzas and i dont want to fuck up his life that much

^^dont forget that he is trying to fuck up your life by stealing your Girl
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