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to kick his or not to......

Guest FBody Addict

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Originally posted by Jesus Hates Me:

gonna have her call him while im sitting there and tell him whats up

No, if you really think she should do that you should tell her that but not 'make' her do anything. If you feel that she should be doing things to ward of his advancements, texting him back, calling him and telling him she's not interested, while showing you she is doing this, tell her that. If you really do think she should be doing those things, simply tell her that, see how she reacts and see if she does it.


Some girls like to make guys jealous (they want attention, and not just girls, guys too, people in general), she can't do that with this situation if she were to have put off his advancements and shown you that she did that.


If you say, 'I want you to call him while I'm sitting here', she might, and probably will just do it to satisfy that simply need for you right there and then.


Fighting him would be futile, and might lead to what some of these guys are saying (her feeling sorry for him). Take care of the situation with your girl first. Then tell him to get the hell out of both of your lives. If he doesn't, keeps harassing her, and you, then kick his ass.

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Guest FBody Addict

i aint worried about losing her, im just amazed he had the gall to do that after he knows how the last guy she was with treated her and knows how much better i treat her than he did


i think i am doing something right if she continues to have orgasms after we finish

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Ok, story time. I had been dating this girl for well over a year. She was fond of my cousin and I knew it. Well she would tell me about him calling her late at night, inviting himself over when she was coming over and all this. Well I got really pissed at him, and stopped talking to him. Mind you, he and I are like brothers. So finally her and I break up, and I was asking him about it. Turns out she would call him late at night, he he would be like, wtf are you doing, leave me alone, and she would invite him over all the time. So just be sure you have the story completely straight. She may just be trying to start something
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I agree. Alot of times girls are pretty dum and I bet you can't even talk to her about it because for some reason some can't be reasoned with. I'm all for kicking his ass after she leaves you though. And I feel that you can destroy his life buy destroying his car. Its totally fair play.



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i have been down this raod before and i agree it takes 2 to tango. hopefully she won't fall for this guy and she just flirts, sending the wrong message, either way he isn't a friend.


as for what to do, confront them both in person...it is very hard to lie to someone's face. just be prepared to be the bigger man and walk away, most likely he will do anything to win her over, it becomes a challenge. he will make up lies, tell her things about you, etc. anything that will make her look at you different.


it's happened to me before, just be ready to walk...no one is ever worth it, there are just too many fish in the sea.

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Originally posted by 1Quik7:

i have been down this raod before and i agree it takes 2 to tango. hopefully she won't fall for this guy and she just flirts, sending the wrong message, either way he isn't a friend.


as for what to do, confront them both in person...it is very hard to lie to someone's face. just be prepared to be the bigger man and walk away, most likely he will do anything to win her over, it becomes a challenge. he will make up lies, tell her things about you, etc. anything that will make her look at you different. and if you kick his ass, she will wonder what you were hiding.


it's happened to me before, just be ready to walk...no one is ever worth it, there are just too many fish in the sea.

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Haven't read the replies, and I don't need to.


EVERY guy goes through this shit, and I just wish I had someone older back in the day tell me, "chill out, grow up, and you're not going to believe 10 years from now that you ever got this worked up."


So keep shagging her and chill out.

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I mean, how much insult would it add to the situation if you showed up at his door and said "Im here to kick you ass!" only to find yourself soon after haning from the mailbox by your skivvies asking the elderly neighbor checking her mail if she can help you get down?


You gotta consider all the options.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I mean, how much insult would it add to the situation if you showed up at his door and said "Im here to kick you ass!" only to find yourself soon after haning from the mailbox by your skivvies asking the elderly neighbor checking her mail if she can help you get down?


You gotta consider all the options.

Talking from experience???? I say, if you can whip his ass. But if you are gonna fight over a girl, like Ken said, you better win or you will lose your girl to him...LOL
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Originally posted by desperado:

And you are HOW FUCKING OLD again????????


Better hury up. Put the nut in this bitches eye before she dumps you for your buddy. Then just play it cool, and take a shit in the front seat of his car.

Aright Lawonda...lol


Anyways, I would just get rid of them both. Sounds like trouble to me.

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