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XBOX modding?


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Does anyone on here know anything about modding an XBOX? I'm wanting to do it so that I can save games on my hard drive, and use it as a Linux box. I've been looking around online at the different mod chips, and the info feels misleading. I haven't really found any information that seems concrete enough to rely on.


What I am looking for is a mod chip that is solderless, can be defeated with a switch to use it normally, can play games saved on the hard drive or burned, will accept an upgraded hard drive, and will allow me to run it as a Linux box.


Right now, I'm looking at the X-B.I.T. chip here:




But what confuses me is that it says that it is "Flash Free" but it allows modifications to the bios via USB cable? Wouldn't that be flashing it?



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Originally posted by Blowzilla:

I have the xcuter chip but I forget which one.. It's the non solder one though. It has a switch on the front of the xbox so I can boot to the normal xbox screen instead of the slayerX screen... Too bad it got fragged.. Thats why I had to get a mod chip.

x-cuter lite 2.6b, the same one I have.
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Originally posted by copperhead:

X-Ecuter 3 is out. Any thoughts on that? I couldn't tell, but I think it's solder only which I don't want to deal with.

I read mixed reviews on the 3... I put the ice chip in my dad's xbox, and it's pretty sweet... 8 memory slots, a USB interface, as well as a GUI front end... I would look into that if I was you.
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From what I've been seeing, these chips are ~$50, a couple bucks less if more than one is purchased (hint hint)


But, I suppose that is just the start. Next step is a bigger hard drive, which I may be purchasing tomorrow (black friday). Other than that, are BIOS flashes free for download? Anyone?

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Guest hugeburnsbruck
i just sodered the mother board and ive had zero problems, just modded it and loaded the bios, with no problems. Also ive got a 160 gig hard drive thhat works seemlessly wotht the rest. I wouldnt pay 50 bucks extra to get the chip if i was you.
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Originally posted by copperhead:



that one?


And memory slots, as in, more RAM?

ya, that looks like it...


no, memory slots as in, you can hold 8 different BIOS's... so that you can have a standard BIOS, so you can get on XBOX live, you can have one that is moded for games, one for Linux, etc....


It is also illegal to get certian roms.... you have to get onto ICQ to get them, or know someone ;) (if you read this topic, there are several people that can help you out)

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