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need help with the computer


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for some reason my computer likes to run scan disk on its own whenever it wants. it usually does it every 15 min or so when it is sitting idle. then it says that it has found an error on my c:. the problem is when i try to click on it to fix it scan disk shuts down and won't let me do anything to fix it.
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Guest stvbreal

What OS are you running? Looks like you have Scandisk to run a certain time in Scheduled Tasks.


Start>Programs>Accessories>System Tools> Scheduled Tasks. See if it is listed in there.


As far as not being able to fix problems when they are found, I need more info. When you click on Scandisk after an error is found what are you clicking? I haven't run it in so long but I think when you click the Fix Errors button, or to that extent (I forget), it fixes errors real quick then shuts down Scandisk.

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if it is scan disk the OS is probably 95 98 or ME.

EvilEvo is right on about he scheduled task.

you should also be able to go in MSCONFIG

start > run > msconfig and under the startup folder will show ther (scheduled task that is)


the reason it is erroring out is probably do to applications that are running in the back ground that are interfering with scan disk.

if you want to know if scan disk is running ok on the HDD boot the system in safemode (tape F8 at boot)and run it there that way nothing will load in the start up. or do a ctl-alt-del and end task on everything except for systray and explorer and then run it that way.


I would also consider upgrading your O/S to at least win2k is your system will support it hardware wise.

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