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Sorry, But I gotta go with the Chinese on this one.


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Originally posted by The DropTop:

Cliff's notes?

Learn to read.

People basing judgements on cliff notes are the reason no one knows shit anymore, and subsequently elects idiots based on campaigning and not pertinent issues.


Chinese protestors riot to appose Japan UN seat.

Chinese police do nothing

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

Learn to read.

People basing judgements on cliff notes are the reason no one knows shit anymore, and subsequently elects idiots based on campaigning and not pertinent issues.


Chinese protestors riot to appose Japan UN seat.

Chinese police do nothing

I can read, and read quite well. I just choose not to read past the 2nd paragraph at this time of night
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Tenzig:

Learn to read.

People basing judgements on cliff notes are the reason no one knows shit anymore, and subsequently elects idiots based on campaigning and not pertinent issues.


Chinese protestors riot to appose Japan UN seat.

Chinese police do nothing

<font color ="midnightblue"> That's a bit extreme, though I do agree that elections should be based on 'pertinent issues' rather than campaign slogans. This might create a problem for Kerry, however, for were his poignant proposals translated into cliff's notes, they might encompass all of a few, tedious paragraphs. But that's aside from the point.


The real point is the Chinese have every right to be pissed off. Japan is blatantly disregarding attrocities committed by them during the war (most specifically, the Rape of Nanjing), even going as far as publishing history books for students that gloss over that part of history. Imagine if Germany's official stance was that it never tortured any Jews, and I reckon you'll also imagine quite a few disgruntled Jews.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Not over the security council seat bid, but over the whole whitewashing of history thing.

+1. I have had an idea for quite sometime that there has been some whitewashing of history particularly of WWII. I can't quite put my finger on it though.
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Here's the "modern" History book version of WWII. Abridged.


Hitler killed alot of jews for no reason. Doesn't get away with it.


America drops atomic bombs on Japan for no reason. Gets away with it.


*<font -1>Everything else is just "detail" to be ignored. Clouds conclusion.</font>


Conclusion: WWII, 50% for bad guys getting their come-upance.


**But someday evil America will fall too.


The End.

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Originally posted by Folkvang:

That's a bit extreme.

Indeed it was, but those posts get on my nerves a bit. It's basiclay saying "You read it for me, because for whatever reason, I'm not able to read and comprehend it."

Besides, jason knows I love'm. tongue.gif


As for whitewashing history, don't think it only happens elsewhere.

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can anyone tell me why we learn so much about german concentration camps during wwII in high school, but almost nothing about the over 50 million chinese that suffered the same, if not a worse fate during the same time period?
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Mowgli:

Here's the "modern" History book version of WWII. Abridged.


Hitler killed alot of jews for no reason. Doesn't get away with it.


America drops atomic bombs on Japan for no reason. Gets away with it.


*<font -1>Everything else is just "detail" to be ignored. Clouds conclusion.</font>


Conclusion: WWII, 50% for bad guys getting their come-upance.


**But someday evil America will fall too.


The End.

<font color ="midnightblue"> I assume -no, HOPE - you're demonstrating the text from a history book contrived of fallacies?



Originally posted by Orion:

can anyone tell me why we learn so much about german concentration camps during wwII in high school, but almost nothing about the over 50 million chinese that suffered the same, if not a worse fate during the same time period?

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yes, for a similar reason you hear almost nothing about the attrocities committed by Stalin during the war; You learn about the Nazi's over the Chinese events because, for the modern liberal and socialist, it perfectly demonstrates how horrible 'whites' can be, and how we are the scum of the earth, thereby supporting their agendas in raising minorities rights over those of whites. This is why you've probably heard of the murder of James Byrd, yet you've almost certainly never heard of the murder of Jake Robel, who died exactly the same way, just races switched around; why you've never heard of the horrific murders of Aaron Sander, Heather Muller, Bradley Herman, or Jason Befort, and why, when the UCLA was awarded two million dollars to write up a history book in 1997, their book came out as such:


- There was no mention of Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, or the Wright Brothers

- There were seventeen references to the KKK and nine references to Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy

- Harriet Tubman was referenced six times, while Robert E. Lee was ignored

- Instructions for teaching students about the traitor Alger Hiss and executed Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who gave the atom bomb secrets to Stalin, urged "leeway for teachers to teach it either way."

- The Constitutional Convention was never mentioned.

- The presidency of George Washington was unmentioned, as was his Farewell Address. Instead, students were "invited to construct a dialogue between and Indian Leader and George Washington at the end of the Revolutionary War."

- Students were instructed to "analyze the achievements of and grandeur of Mansa Musa's court, and the social customs and wealth of the kingdom of Malie," and to study Aztec "skills, labor system, and architecture." No mention was made of the quaint Aztec custom of daily human sacrifice.


And the reason you don't hear about Stalin is, of course, because he was a Communist; and, as we all know, that is the eventual goal of the libs (they're socialist as it is, they just don't call it that) so they can't afford to have a bad picture of it painted. Understand?


[ 17. April 2005, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Folkvang ]

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> That's as 'right' as its gonna get. Why do you think it isn't true? Because it's so drastic? So different from everything you've ever been told? I'm curious why this doesn't seem plausible, especially in light of the evidence I've provided to support it.
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dont flatter yourself, its not the first time ive heard your theory. and, as intriguing as it is, the real reason is much simpler.


please, no one is calling you stupid. i was impressed, really. i think your answer has merit. your shortchanging "time", though. this hasnt been taught about or even been a subject for over 50 years. its not some recent "tidying up" of our history books thats created the ignorance regarding the "forgotten holocaust".

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Originally posted by Orion:

dont flatter yourself, its not the first time ive heard your theory. and, as intriguing as it is, the real reason is much simpler.


please, no one is calling you stupid. i was impressed, really. I think your answer has merit. your shortchanging "time", though. this hasnt been taught about or even been a subject for over 50 years. its not some recent "tidying up" of our history books thats created the ignorance regarding the "forgotten holocaust".


Besides, Liberals cant push any agenda, they can't organize. Communism is no one's contemporary goal (no one who's considered anyone), though socialism is appealing to some....some hippies. It'd work if it didn't involve human beings, Robot society would love it.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

He makes good beer

No, he made horrible beer. If he made good beer, he would not have become a revolutionary. Someone else makes the beer you like, and named it after someone who made awful beer, but raised hell with the Brits.
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