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Anyone have Carpentry (sp) Experiance? need some help


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Ok, well me and several friends are chiping in to build a small snowboard rail park in my back yard. So far the plan is to build a rectangular wood tower about 8ft tall, and strong enough to hold the weight of 2 mid size people plus gear. this will have a ramp atached lined with skatelight to drop in from


Question1: What type lumber holds out best in all year round weather withought spending a tone of money


Question2: How deep should the legs of the tower be CONCREETED into the ground.


Question3: is there any type of brand concreet that i can buy at home Depot or Lows that is best for somthing of this size?


Question4: Any pointers on what kinda hardwear to use? Screws better than nails so on so forth?

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Guest nevarmore

1. Pressure treated lumber, the new 'plastic' lumber, or a good grade of regular lumber that MUST be sealed and coated well. Essentially you want to use the same thing that you would use for a deck or playground.


2. Deep. Bit out of my experience on this one. Someone else on here should know.


3. Don't think so. Ask and read the label before you buy it.


4. Yes screws and lag bolts are better than nails. Use good outdoor grade galvanized fasteners.


I would check with your local zoning people first. You won't be happy if you build it and get it torn down. Are you on good terms with the neighbors? Your homeowners insurance guy is going to shit himself when he sees this.

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I'm a carpenter


pressure treated lumber nothing else will work


minimum 36" in the ground if your going to beat on it go 48"


you need to use hot dip galvanized or stainless steel fasteners anything else will rot away in a matter of months attatch the bands to the posts with lag bolts the floorjoists are going to require joist hangers and special nails use screws to hold the decking down.


if you can show me a picture of what you want I can make you a material list so you can estimate your costs


hope this helps



use the 80lb bags of quikcrete concrete mix you just have to add water

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