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Not all cops are dicks


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I volunteered to work today since it's time-and-a-half and I also get a free floating holiday for use later. I have to be at work at 7am, so I left my house about 6:15 to head to Westerville.


I take East Broad east towards 270 and pass this pickup truck, then get back into the 270N lane (I'm in the Blazer). As soon as I get off of the ramp and onto 270, I set the cruise at 69mph since there's no traffic, but it is Labor Day weekend and cops will be out in force.


I'm on 270 and just about to the Hamilton Rd. exit, when this car comes flying up on me and flips it's lights on. Great, what the fuck? I pull over and I can't see a damned thing since it's dark and is spotlight is on me. I grab my registration and insurance card to present to him and wait. He ends up coming around the passenger's side of the truck and taps on the window with his flashlight. I roll it down, and seriously have no idea what I'd done (I have plates, no tint, working lights, cruise on, etc.). He tells me he clocked me speeding on Broad going 62 in a 50 when I passed the pickup truck. He asked why I'm in a hurry, I told him I was driving to work, no excuse on my part. He proceeds to tell me that I was going a bit too fast, why should anyone want to rush to work (snicker), and here's a warning....have a nice day. I was shocked! He'd never asked for my paperwork, he was cool, he gave me a warning for doing 12mph over, and to top it all off, it was a veteran State Highway trooper :eek:


So, that made my day. I've NEVER been pulled over by the OHP and warned. It's always ended up in a ticket, and always for speeding.


So there goes to prove, not all cops are dicks smile.gif

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Originally posted by Cranked:

I have a CR sticker on my back window :D


I admitted to him I had no excuse to speed. Maybe he let me go because of that...

WEll I used the, "My guages aren't working right..Worked for me. I got the judge and he let me off with an equipment violation..If anyone has ever seen my car at night, then they can see how I pulled that one off..rofl
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Three warnings from OHP here... one at 97 MPH on new Year's eve last year... Yeah, I knew better, but some asshat tossed an empty soda can out the window that landed on my windshield. No sooner did I start to throw a Tradewinds iced tea bottle out the window at them than the trooper hit her lights. (Yes, it was a woman) I was shocked, and pulled over. I told her what happened, she warned me about driving like an idiot, throwing shit out the window, and told me to put my front tag on the car. That's it. THAT shocked me.
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I learned that saying it is your fault and saying you had no reason for speeding is the best way to go with the cops.


I have only received one ticket for 41 in a 25 at 5:30 am on my way to work, I saw the cops but was so tired it didn't register.


The next time i got pulled was 90 in a 55 and told him about that citation, he said that cop was rediculous in giving me the ticket. I told him I know I could get myself or someone killed, and he said he couldn't believe my responsibility, and to go home and tell my dad and have a nice night.


Generally, cops are nice if you don't push them the wrong way.

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I will tell you right now there is nothing more irritating in the world then when someone gives me a bullshit story about why they were speeding. I wasn't born yesterday and Ive heard more excuses than truthes. If your straight with me I will be straight with you. :D
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Originally posted by SAWBINDER:

I will tell you right now there is nothing more irritating in the world then when someone gives me a bullshit story about why they were speeding. I wasn't born yesterday and Ive heard more excuses than truthes. If your straight with me I will be straight with you. :D

Jim, what department are you?
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I have been pulled over 4 times for speeding, and only had 1 ticket. i was going 40-35 in mt vernon, i told the cop im a fireman, and he let me go.


Last year, I was coming home from the halloween party in athens at 4am. The sheriff clocked me going 70 in a 60. I told him I was at the academy at that point, and he let me go.


The final incident occured when I was coming home from school. on RT 33 heading toward lancaster. I was going 84 in a 65. There was a legit reason for me to speeding that much. I had to be in lancaster to get ready for an interview, and then drive all the way up to hilliard. He questioned me as to where I'm coming from, and where I'm going, and what my excuse was for speeding. I told him, and he came back with a yellow paper in his hand, so I thought to myself "FUCK!" It turned out to be a warning. He told me to slow down, and drive safe. I was so relieved.


When/If i speed, its only 5mph over. I learned my lesson.

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Originally posted by SlowZ06:

Three warnings from OHP here... one at 97 MPH on new Year's eve last year... Yeah, I knew better, but some asshat tossed an empty soda can out the window that landed on my windshield. No sooner did I start to throw a Tradewinds iced tea bottle out the window at them than the trooper hit her lights. (Yes, it was a woman) I was shocked, and pulled over. I told her what happened, she warned me about driving like an idiot, throwing shit out the window, and told me to put my front tag on the car. That's it. THAT shocked me.

We were paced at 120 and pulling away. No ticket. No I was not driving.
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