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Greatest American....right.

Fisrt off, how did some one with a 48% approval rating make the list?

Why is an Austrian there?

Rosa Parks will tell you she doesnt belong there.

Elvis? what the fuck?

Oprah? God no

Bill Gates, capitalist extrordinare


Histories greatest Americans aren't on that list, they're in the ground at Arlington. If you were to make me pick just one, it'd be some one most of you have never heard of. A guy by the name of Crispus Attucks.

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Originally posted by The Stig:

Greatest American....right.

Fisrt off, how did some one with a 48% approval rating make the list?

Why is an Austrian there?

Rosa Parks will tell you she doesnt belong there.

Elvis? what the fuck?

Oprah? God no

Bill Gates, capitalist extrordinare


Histories greatest Americans aren't on that list, they're in the ground at Arlington. If you were to make me pick just one, it'd be some one most of you have never heard of. A guy by the name of Crispus Attucks.

C-Tucks is a Ballerrrrrr
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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> Benjamin Franklin. End of story. Crispus Attucks....meh. Had the spirit, but didn't accomplish or effect nearly as much as Ben Franklin did.
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Originally posted by the Apostle:

<font color ="midnightblue"> Benjamin Franklin. End of story. Crispus Attucks....meh. Had the spirit, but didn't accomplish or effect nearly as much as Ben Franklin did.

Fisrt to step up for this land, first to die for it. What he set into motion was this nation. He embodies the best of America better then anyone else. Born a slave, son to a Black Slave and a Native, he escaped to freedom. He returned to boston, still considered less then a citizen, and stood up for this land. Fuckin' A
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> His actions are commendable, but he did not "set this nation in motion". The feelings that he embody and the revolutionary spirit that was within him was within many people during that time; revolution was inevitable, with or without him. One patriot dying for his country as a martyr can be easily substituted for the man standing next to him in battle; there is nothing terribly remarkable about them except that they were in the right place at the right time.


These things cannot be said of Ben Franklin. There was/is no substitute for him. There was no other Ben Franklin.


SCIENCE - Noted 18th Century Scientist


INVENTOR - Stove, lightning rod, bifocals and many others...


MEDICINE - Founded 1st U.S. Hospital


BANKING - Well known for maxims on thrift


AGRICULTURE - Introduced several crops to U.S.


PRINTING - Noted Colonial printer - "Patron Saint of Printing"


ELECTRICAL - Experiments and theories - Kite & Key


INSURANCE - Started 1st insurance company


HEATING - Franklin stove


COOLING - Had three methods of cooling


EDUCATOR - Involved in founding two colleges


OPTOMETRIC - Bifocal glasses


POSTAL - First postmaster


LIBRARIES - Started 1st circulating library


JOURNALISM - Wrote for several early newspapers


PUBLIC SAFETY - Started 1st police department


PUBLIC SAFETY II - Started 1st fire department


RELIGION - Introduced idea of prayer in Congress


MUSIC - Invented musical instrument - glass armonica


GOVERNMENT - Held numerous positions:










MILITARY - Colonel in Militia


MASONIC - Grand Master of Pennsylvania


DIPLOMAT - Ambassador to England Minister to France (in Paris there is a statue of him)


COMMUNITY SERVICE - Street lighting, paving and cleaning


UNIONS - Started Leather Apron Club


BUSINESSMAN - Owned and operated several businesses


PHILOSOPHER - Started American Philosophical Society


ABOLITIONIST - Started Society to Abolish Slavery


SALESMAN - Expert at marketing and sales


MERCHANT - Operated store as part of printshop


HUMORIST - Considered America's 1st writer of humor


TRAVELER - Traveled extensively throughout U.S.


FORECASTER - Published Poor Richards "Almanack"


FUND RAISER - Originated matching contributions idea


SAILING - Designed "sea anchors"


CARTOONIST - Drew 1st cartoon in an American newspaper


LINGUIST - Studied several languages and designed a phonetic alphabet


CARTOGRAPHER - Mapped the Gulf Stream and Routes for the post office


PHILANTHROPIST - Organized fund raising and contributed to many worthwhile causes


MENTOR - Acted as a counselor and guide to many of his contemporaries


FOUNDING FATHER - probably the greatest founding father, yet never held the presidency.



Just out of curiousity (I didn't watch it), who did win the contest?

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Yes that show was a joke. I didn't watch it, because the promos pissed me off so much I knew if I did my tv would have a shoe implanted in it.


Thats what you get for letting Americans vote on the internet. 98% of this country is clinically retarded.

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Gates as the greatest american is a stretch. But he is a great american. Maybe doesn't deserve to be on that list. But I'll tell you why he's better than the Rockefellers and the Venderbilts and the Carnegies and so on and so on: His product is cheap and benefits more people across demographics than any other. He is also the biggest philanthropist in history. He also is selling one of the last Made-in-the-USA things that the world still buys. Windows. Cus it sure as hell ain't cars or clothes or linux. Or even our culture, for much longer. Windows and wheat. About the only two things getting more money to come into our country than go out.


So why's that make him a great american vs just a great capitalist? Because if you didn't have the barrier to entry that Microsoft's size and very existence creates in the tech space they're in, then our America would find themselves in the software and computing sector in the exact same situation Britain found themselves in at the turn of the century when they manufactured the first all-big-gun battleship: they just unwittingly leveled the playing field.


Neil Armstrong should be on that list. Near the top.

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Atually - upon further thought, Neil Armstrong should be called the greatest american. But if not - its no big deal. He'll end up being the one remembered the longest.


You know, in ten thousand years people will not remember Bill Gates, or George Bush, or Madonna. Or John Wayne. Or Queen Elizabeth. Or any sports star you ever heard of. Or entertainer. Or General. Or Hitler. Or Ghandi. Or Martin Luther King. Or George Washington. They will have forgotten WWII. WWI. The Cold War. All the wars of the second millenium. Mohamed. They very likely will have forgotten what a United States of America was.


But they will look back from wherever it is they're sitting on in whatever parts of the universe they're calling home at that time, and they'll remember the name of the first of humanity's children to step foot on some body other than their birth planet. Neil Armstrong.

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in ten thousand years I'd be willing to bet that the genetic strain known as homosapien will be no more. As long as there is some one keeping human history, they will remember the Wapakonetta man who was the first.


The next most important person, whoever proves string theory correct. Then whoever is the first to harness the power of the lil 10 or so dimensional bastards will also be famous, you will be calling them God. graemlins/thumb.gif

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