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Nitrous > *

Guest infamous me 235

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Guest infamous me 235

I now know why sam puts nitrous on his cars...


Nitrous > *


I wasnt nervous at all, until they said, "Cody." Walked into the room, and they gave me the gas and told them to tell me when I felt different. Nope nothing. So the woman who comes in for the IV asked about it, and I said I feel the same, she said she'd turn it up and right away I was like, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, this shit is goooooooooooooood. She stuck me with the needle and I laughed. Then she told me the dumbest jokes ever but they were funny, "What did the fish say when he hit the wall?" "hahahahhaha, idk whatd he say?" "Dam" HAHAHAHA. Then the doctor came in and put the real good shit in my IV, and then I laughed and started to move alot and they asked what the fuck I was doing, and i said, man, im getting comfortable this shit is good. Then idk what happened. I remember them yelling at me to open my eyes and that im done, some how I got to the car and home then crashed on the recliner. Had to pee and I dont know how I made it, as I was standing there I had to put my arm against the wall and got REALLY dizzy, I was like, Oh Fuck, so my room is right there, so I just crashed right there and woke up with blood on my pillow b/c i took the gauzes out.

Vicodin > *


Wasn't too bad at all, im still sore and it hurts when either the Vicodin and IBProfen 40000000000 wears off.


PartyPoker re-opened my account, so thats all im doing this weekend, and MVP 2005

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Turbo(less)D:

that was a retardedly awesome story

graemlins/finger.gifhttp://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/runaway.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gif hehe, i like that one
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Guest infamous me 235

All weekend-








and probably some http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/cockblockedsad.gif


[ 10. June 2005, 11:05 PM: Message edited by: John D’Agostino ]

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by John D’Agostino:

"What did the fish say when he hit the wall?" "hahahahhaha, idk whatd he say?" "Dam" HAHAHAHA.

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/lol.gif



You got knocked out? Pussy. I had four taken out while I was awake. tongue.gif

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by the Apostle:

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/lol.gif



You got knocked out? Pussy. I had four taken out while I was awake. tongue.gif

Hmmm, I had no other option. It was, "we knock you out when we do this." and I would have been knocked out anyways if I had an option
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Guest infamous me 235

only my bottom left side of my mouth hurts now. its like i got punched in the jaw.


i better not get a fucking dry socket or anything.

what happens when you get a dry socket?

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Larry:

It sucks. A. Lot.


My wife got it somewhat and she says it was painful.

what do they do to you if you get one?
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You get some sweet ass clove salve (YUK!).


I had mine taken out in the Navy during boot camp, not knocked out, no TV to watch while I recovered. I did get to miss out on getting gassed by CS.

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