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Hey Gang!

>i recieved info on this from one of my other forums!

this is from the same people that did the freeipod.com deal


> This is SO cool! Being touted as "the walkmen of the future". This is

> from Gratis the guys that did the free ipod deal which everybody

> thought was a scam and turned out to be completely legit.

> http://www.FreePSPs.com/?r=15355563

(p.s.) this is my personal referal link, just so you know


> The PSP is the new handheld gaming system that is the most advanced

> of its kind. It also plays dvd quality video and MP3s!!!


> Ill give ya a tip.. When you complete your 1 offer try one of the

> following... Do one of the TRIAL offers..you arent obligated to do

> anything but try out the product. You can cancel after you get your

> credit for your PSP - if you want smile.gif


> BuyersAdvantage, GreatFun, and Netmarket are ALL trial offers...

> and require you only $1 to try a TRIAL offer. But make sure you

> cancel before the trial expires or you will be charged more.


I personally signed up for the Blockbuster Online offer since i was planning on doing that anyway and got my 1st month for $9.95


also, if people think this is a scam i am providing gratis's bbb link and a review i read because i was very skeptical as well!

>Heres an article in WIRE magazine on the freeipod deal by Gratis


> ALSO here's their BBB listing (in good standing): http://www.dc.bbb.org/report.html?compid=W1035561&national=Y




> good luck to all!!!

Jon Williams (Morabu)


> http://www.FreePSPs.com/?r=15355563

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I just did it. Your welcome.


You have to complete 1 offer and have 5 referals do the same. If they want too they need 5 people. So it goes. I completed the Lowes offer, you get a 20 dollar gift card for signing up for a online home improvement thing for 1$.

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thx you guys and i hope more do it for me and everybody involved trying to get one for themselves


i'll say this as a promise, if i get my 5 the next person to do it when i look will get my girlfriend to sign up on theirs so kinda like pay it forward! ;)

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some are and some arn't, i guess just depends on which one you do!

like i said, i did the blockbuster deal for two reasons a) i know them and trust their site and i know they are secure b)i was planning on doing blockbuster online anyway!


as far as the offer still showing up as not completed, if you read the rules and info you will see that it says it might take up to like 2 weeks for it to be recognized i think!

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Originally posted by The DropTop:

Did anyone from CR actually get the free I-pod they were offering?

I wanna say I remember someone on here saying they got theirs. I know alot of people on other forums have gotten theirs and the general consensus is that Gratis is legit.
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so has anybody's completed, mine still says no and i have 5 people that signed up but it only shows that

MrBlunt2gnt has completed!

just out of curiosity did u guys use my referal link or go to the main site? and did anyone else sign up for the offers?

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