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Windows Server 2000-2003 help

Guest stvbreal

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Guest stvbreal
I am in the process of upgrading a server from Windows Server 2000 to 2003. I am upgrading rather than performing a clean install because I want to keep all configuration settings, user groups, permissions and such. Like I said the server is currently running Windows Server 2000, but with mirroring enabled. My question is would I have to disable mirroring before upgrading and then establish another mirrored connection with the secondary drive, after the upgrade, which has an older mirror image on it, or leave it be and go on with the upgrade? Thanks for the help.
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Personally, I would break the mirror and keep the second drive as a backup just in case something gets fucked up. You can always fall back on it.


Re-establishing the mirror is easy, but reloading your server isn't. smile.gif

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Guest stvbreal

Very true. Thanks for the info.


So what you're saying is get a new HDD, particularly the same exact one that the O/S is curretnly on to prevent issues with mirroring, then re-establish mirroring on that drive after the upgrade and keep the existing HDD with Windows Server 2000 (mirrored) as a backup.

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You could do that, or just unplug the second drive until you have completed the upgrade and everything is working according to plan.


Then, plug it back in, format, and reconnect the mirror. smile.gif

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