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I need a car loan


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I need to get a loan to pay off the existing loan so I can transfer the car's title to my name. Anyone have any reccomendations where I can get a car loan? Good experiences? know anyone in the business? :D


[ 21. February 2005, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: The DropTop ]

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They screw everyone. The people that work there are morons. They messed up my dads buiness, house payments and my checking and savings acount.


So my dad is making house payments for December 800+ and some change. January comes and he makes those payments. So end of January rolls around, and Fifth third calls him bitching (not even polite) They say that he is 2 month behind on his payments. In order to make thsoe payments the bank took it out of his buissness checking account. So then payrole comes around... the bank has taken out $800 without notifying him and there is not about 500 short of making pay role for the month (he has overdraft) but after so long and so many pay role checks add up, he starts getting charged all this extra money because.


So he goes down to the bank with the recpt the bank gave him for the check he wrote the bank specificly for the december house payment. All Fith third can do is say sorry we dont know what happend to your money, but you still must pay this 1000 overdraft fee thats been adding up for the past two months... he pretty much says fuck that and the bank finaly makes up for how much they screwed him


in January, I went into Fifth Third to get a statement of how much money I had in my checking and savings account up to date. I had not made any charges to my debut cars or writen any checks in two weeks and have kept track of every cent if spent... 5/3 confirms i have 150 in my checking just as i had shown in my check book.


over the next 2 weeks i bought 2 tanks of gas $40 total, $11.36 in fast food, and some cloths $80.00. 3 weeks after i got my statement(friday) i get a notice in the mail im over withdrawn $40 bank is closed i have to wait till monday, monday morning i get another notive im over withdrawn $91.36 i go down to the bank imediatly with the statement i was given 3 weeks ago.


Bank says you owe us $300+ in overwithdrawl fees, i say no this is the statement i was given tot he day, here are the recips form what i used my debit card 2 weeks after, and the card or checks were not used 2 weeks prior to when i got my statment and everything from the past year had gone through. Responce well sir we see our error we will re embuse your $131.36 but you must till pay the over withdrawl fees of 300+ i prety much say fuck you bitches i wanna talk to the owner fo this bank right now after about 2 hours of checking everything i finaly get my 150 back and the charges taken off.


like i said fuck those bitches

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if you want a decent % rate then you should go to a credit union. I just got a personal loan at 6.25% and the lowest the bank would even consider going was 12%. as long as you have decent credit they will take you. I used a place in delaware called western credit union (no relation to western union) and they also have a branch office in westerville. I would highly recommend checking them out.
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

I've heard a few bad things about how National City deals with army people...a few of my friends accounts got messed up when they were overseas.

Yeah, one reason Bank One and I do no more business. It's bad enough when Uncle Sam fucks up your pay, but another when banks do it.
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Guest GSRchick714

Haha...sorry about your luck Sapper... from what I've heard from my army friends... overseas + banking here = everything gets effed up lol

And as for getting better interest rates at credit unions...could be true but my loan for my car from 5/3 only is at 6.2% interest.

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Originally posted by lilchaz16:

uncle sam...the government...fuck us over??? no way, could never happen.....could it???

Come to the regular army buddy, you'll see shit fucked up. I should've never got out of the guard, but all of a sudden 112th goes to Iraq when I leave. You bastards! But I'm coming back soon. :cool:
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