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Anyone heard of tis being illegal


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I have a 93 mustang with a holley fuel pump and a fram fuel filter, I am going to move them behind the tank but I was told if I have the fuel filter hanging below the back bumper and a cop sees it I can get a ticket for it beacuase its a safety hazard or something.


Just wondering if anyone knows the actual laws on this or even heard of it?

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Many of my friends have had fuel filters which you could see below the rear of their cars for years, and none of them have ever been pulled over because of it. Kind of depends on whether you'er talking about cruising 270 all night, or hanging out in the sticks somewhere?
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Originally posted by stillman:

well, it would be pretty fucking stupid to have it hanging that low for one thing. but hey, without people like you the darwin awards wouldn't exist.

Way to maintain a professional attitude to new members while being a moderator ASSHOLE. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


Why don't you give some constructive advice, or offer to help a 'stang brother out?

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I can't speak to teh legality of it. But you need to consider the fact that when you blow by the rice boys and they get over behind you don't let off. If you do chances are when they run up under you, you are going to give the nose of their car a gasoline bath.
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Originally posted by Swirl Marks:

Way to maintain a professional attitude to new members while being a moderator ASSHOLE. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif


Why don't you give some constructive advice, or offer to help a 'stang brother out?

you're just jealous you didn't get to flame him first...


you want me to help him out? okay, here ya go:


don't put the fuel filter anywhere near the ground. if you can see it hanging, its too low. gasoline is flammable. it likes to go boom.



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Thanks, the only thing that should be able to be seen is the sump and the 2 1/2 braided lines then everything else should be able to fit under the bumper and be hidden, I just thought the guy was lying to me about getting pulled over and getting a ticket for it being to low in his a chevelle.
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